What are you going to do in the event(s) of:
No electricity (eg, no heat, no internet, no electronics, no communication)? “A power outage in the German capital has prompted questions over the stability of the country's power supply. The Interior Ministry has admitted there is no comprehensive national contingency plan.” dw.com
No running water?
Internet collapse? “COVID-19 dramatically increased the dependency of economies and societies on digital technology, increasing the vulnerability of individuals, businesses and governments to cyberattacks.” weforum.org
Bank closures? “Towns Reel As Banks Close Branches At Record Pace 2021: Banks have been permanently shuttering branches for years, but the number of closures hit a record in 2020 as the pandemic accelerated the move by many customers to online banking. Banks closed 3,324 branches last year.” npr.org
Food shortage?
You can search your favorite video platform for a virtually unlimited list of ways to “prep” for survival in the event of supply chain collapse, social upheaval, etc. In my opinion, everybody should have started working on this or at least thinking about this already. Everyone needs to be storing some nonperishable food, thinking about ways to stay warm (eg, blankets, firewood) and access drinking water (eg, we have a private well and a solid-carbon filter).
4 Unique Preparation and Survival Tips: I have watched a small handful of videos on this topic, and here I am going to add some **different** ideas rather than simply repeating or listing what others have said.
LENTILS: I have watched several videos that recommend storing canned food and also storing cookable grains such as rice and oat flour. Here is why I think this is bad or not-so-great advice: cans are bulky and heavy; if you are storing and carrying water-weight, then you have to consider that you’re misusing space and burdening yourself with excess weight in the event that you need to move and travel. If you’re in a basement or otherwise not moving, then you may be able to store food without consideration for space and weight. The problem with storing foods that require cooking are the obvious problems of 1) wasting fuel on cooking food when you might need to use that fuel for staying warm, and 2) burning fuel during a survival event requires ventilation and might disclose your location in the event of fire and smoke. Some of these considerations are uncommon, but I see some “preppers” talk as if they are going camping in a national park or as if they are assuming social safety which is contrary to the whole theme of preparing for social-infrastructure collapse. Lentils are packed with protein (maintains your muscles and metabolism) and fiber (healthy guts), can be stored indefinitely, and do not require cooking as they can be sprouted raw with very little water (probably urine if necessary); from dry storage lentils to sprouted edible lentils takes 2-3 days for the sprouting process.
GET AN INTERNATIONAL BANK ACCOUNT: Where we live, we are already seeing instability of major banks and some temporary bank closures that are blocking people from accessing their money. In the United States, the government can take your money for any illegitimate cause under the guise of “civil asset forfeiture” and you cannot do anything about it. Especially if you send-receive money internationally in different currencies, I recommend that you get an international bank account today; I have been using Wise.com for about a year now and I am supremely pleased with the service and especially the convenience and speed.
GET PAPER BOOKS: If the internet or electric grid collapses, where are you going to get the information you need for first aid and disease treatment? Get a paper copy of The Merck Manual which is the most comprehensive and least expensive textbook in medicine. (I actually got this idea about the importance of paper books in this “Great Reset” context from the video below from Candace Owens [not endorsed], which is why my list of 3 original ideas actually has 4 items.)
GET FIRST AID AND NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS: At least get several bottles of NAC for anti-poisoning and antiviral benefits, as I discuss in this video: