ARCHIVED 2-HOUR VIDEO Clinical use of the amino acid acetyl-cysteine, NAC (Goldmine6)

I could tell by 2019 that politics-medicine-journalism was reaching a new level of insanity. So I began to predict that the world was going to have some type of political-medical event, which was Cv19

Why did I perform this exhaustive literature review on acetylcysteine/NAC in 2019?

  1. Because I was aware that the entire topic of viruses had become weaponized certainly no later than 2014 when I published a book on this topic—a book that was deleted by Amazon in March of 2020 at the start of the “global plan.”

    Drvasquez 2014 Estrategiaantiviralymas
    24.4MB ∙ PDF file
    Ijhnfm 2020 Interview Cb Drav Final3
    1.72MB ∙ PDF file
  2. I could tell not later than 2019 that the worl…

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