Counter the Plandemic Playbook (15) QUARANTINE THE COVIDIOTS away from normal humanity in order to protect the population from digital banking, antisocial credit system, censorship and mind control

your only salvation is to quarantine these people away from normal society if you want to keep your society normal

SEE VIDEO EXCERPT ABOVE from the complete 80minute video HERE


Globalists and WEF-WHO-UN goons are still pushing the plandemic narrative and trying to incorporate it into international laws that will bypass the normal democratic-republican processes of creating laws; they want absolute global control of banking, personal “freedoms”, international travel, food supply (which they want to control with “Food Innovation Hubs”) and every aspect of your life, including spying on you by using your own phone and compters without your permission; your only salvation is to quarantine these people away from normal society if you want to keep your society normal.