Deregulated-radioactive-neoliberalized water supply in America (Colorado [twenty years] 2004-2024)
Americans are free from the oppression of big government because social services have been privatized/capitalized into the free market of deregulated privatization which is guided by invisible hands
Americans are “free” from the “oppression” of “big government” because “social/socialized services” have been privatized/capitalized into the “free market” of deregulated privatization which is “guided as if by an invisible hand” in the marketplace of ideas/products/services, and this is why the American landscape is periodically punctuated by poisonous pollution—in the following example, radioactive-toxic contamination of the water supply that was left to actively poison people for 20 years (TWENTY YEARS!!!) while pay-to-play regulators did nothing to protect the public, exactly the same as the entirety of deregulated-privatized Amerian education/accreditation.
Radioactive-poisoned water in Colorado (2024)
2024: Nuclear contamination and health risks remain throughout Colorado “An estimated 14% of the uranium oxide, commonly known as “yellowcake,” produced for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in those years came from mines on the Colorado Plateau in the Four Corners region. Uranium sludge produced in Uravan and other “yellowcake towns” was further processed at a refinery in Grand Junction. The Rocky Flats facility northwest of Denver manufactured plutonium triggers for nuclear weapons for nearly 40 years before long-running environmental concerns and an FBI investigation of its operator led to its shutdown in 1992.”
Americans are free from the oppression of big government because social services have been privatized/capitalized into the free market of deregulated privatization which is guided by the invisible hands of rich people with no ethics and no accountability
Pesticides permeate American water, food, air (2014)
Atrazine, metolachlor, and propanil were detected in ≥50% of the air and rain samples in both years. Glyphosate and its degradation product, aminomethyl-phosphonic acid (AMPA), were detected in ≥75% of air and rain samples in 2007 but were not measured in 1995. The 1995 seasonal wet depositional flux was dominated by methyl parathion (88%) and was >4.5 times the 2007 flux. Total herbicide flux in 2007 was slightly greater than in 1995 and was dominated by glyphosate. Malathion, methyl parathion, and degradation products made up most of the 2007 nonherbicide flux. Majewski MS, Coupe RH, Foreman WT, Capel PD. Pesticides in Mississippi air and rain: a comparison between 1995 and 2007. Environ Toxicol Chem. 2014 Jun;33(6):1283-93. doi: 10.1002/etc.2550. Epub 2014 Apr 4. PMID: 24549493