The final video in this spontaneous series of video analyses of the propagandistic “interview” published in the New York Times is recorded and is now being edited; the final video is approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes long and will probably be ready later today in its entirety. Meanwhile, I am providing the first 30 minutes here.
No mater now positive I try to be with my approach to this interview, what should be a stellar conversation between the most important publication in the United States and the scoundrel who was the head of the US-global SarsCoV2 response is nothing more than horrific blundering, propaganda, and cover-up.
The first 30 minutes of the final ~2hours is provided above; I am working on editing the remainder and will try to have it all finished and posted today. Paid subscribers will have access to downloading the original video files. Thanks to everyone who supports this work.
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