Health information in Spanish, Castellano
Para ganar, lo primero es entender = To win, one must first understand
ENGLISH is the “official language of science” which is great for those of us fluent in medical/scientific English, but a disadvantage for the millions of people for who Spanish is their primary language and who have to wait for life-saving and health-helping information to be translated, when and if that ever happens. This also applies to various other essential disciplines, including Psychology; many years ago I searched a large online bookstore for “psychology books” and found 40,000 in their USA-based store while their Spain-based store had only 4,000 for the same search conducted in Spanish.
CASTELLANO Castellano (Castilian) is the official term for Spanish used in the Spanish Constitution of 1978, but "español" (Spanish) and "lengua española" (Spanish language) are often used when referring to Spanish
Global number of speakers of the top 4 languages:
English: 1.348 billion (with most [978.2 million] being secondary speakers)
First-language speakers of English: 369.9 million
Mandarin Chinese (incl. Standard Chinese, but excl. other varieties): 1.120 billion
Hindi (excl. Urdu): 600 million
Spanish: 543 million (with most [71.5 million] being primary speakers)
First-language speakers of Spanish/Castellano: 471.4 million
English has more total speakers, with the majority of those being second-language speakers; Spanish has more first-language speakers at 471M than does English at 369M
New channels that will be updated in Spanish/Castellano
Telegram feed:
Health info:
Revista Latinoamericana de Nutrición Humana y Medicina Funcional
The new page/feed will be updated as time allows; however, the main page and the primary source will always be Everything on will have first originated on Also, when information is shared on both platforms, I’ll try to include a link between the 2 versions in case something gets “lost in translation.” :-)
My “Antiviral Nutrition: Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition” book was written when I lived in Bogota, Colombia in 2014
First posting at the new location: Estrategia antiviral unificada para médicos y el público desde 2014 hasta presente
Best quote: “Para luchar y ganar con exito, lo primero es endender”
New mirror/blog:
Sample: Los brotes recientes internacionales de infecciones virales han hecho una cosa muy clara: necesitamos una nueva estrategia antiviral en los tiempos modernos para combatir estos nuevos flagelos virales en curso