The causes of the problem:
Their greed and psychopathy
Our collective cowardice, distraction, and failure to see what is right in front of us.
I’ve recently become fascinated how we American men love guns, trucks, tactical watches, tactical shovels, tactical cargo pants, tactical underwear but most guys with tactical watches, tactical shovels, tactical cargo pants, tactical underwear don’t know how to structure/build and deploy/implement strategies and tactics.
None of us would allow an infestation of rats in our homes, but then why have we allowed an infestation of psychopaths into our world governance?
Here is the problem in front of us—a small and well-organized group of rich psychopaths want to control all of the food and water for human use, in order to convert humanity into slaves who have to beg for their ration of genetically-modified laboratory-created fake food, like hamburgers made from insects and meat created from chemicals.
I already told you about this more than a year ago—May 2023.
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Introduction to this document: By now, if you are an adult, you have to have seen how the globalists have hijacked the use of language to make everything they do seem to be for “health” and “equality” and “diversity” and “equity” and “sustainability.” These are public justifications for the war they are waging against all current systems and autonomous-national governments. This is a hyperactive version of the hijacking of “liberal” language in order to impose their hegemony by force. If you haven’t seen the patterns by now, then now is the time for you to start wising up because the wolf is at your door and we’ve barely survived 5 years of their pandemic bullshit and they are already starting the next pandemic and the injectable drugs that are already being “distributed” and forced on the population.
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