IM4Update and Focus for 2024, starting with Migraine
The most important event of our current existence (perhaps our lifetimes) is the globalist takeover of world governments under the disguise of 1) plandemics, 2) climate crisis, now 3) water shortage
The most important event of our current existence (and perhaps our lifetimes) is the globalist takeover of world governments under the disguise of 1) plandemic insanity, 2) climate crisis, and now 3) water shortage. I’ve already discussed and deciphered these events in various posts and videos and will thus try to avoid repeating the same conclusions that I’ve already reviewed so that I can return the focus to topics in health and medicine.
Dear All,
I will continue to cover a wide range of topics for 2024; however, the focus will clearly transition (back) toward neuroinflammation and chronic pain, specifically starting with some updates on migraine. The upcoming updates on migraine are necessary and at the same time cosmetic.
Since the publication of Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition in 2016 (which covers migraine in Chapter 5), a new class of drugs (targeting CGRP) was approved for migraine in 2018, and these drugs are (hardly) worthy of discussion.
The approval and marginal effectiveness of these drugs provides some (microscopic) new insight and perspective on migraine that is worthy of mention for the sake of completeness while providing zero need to change the foundational treatment protocol that actually originated ~24 years ago in 2000 when I included the migraine protocol in my course notes when I taught Orthopedics for the Naturopathic Medicine Program at Bastyr University.
While I am generally in favor of any treatment that alleviates human suffering, these anti-CGRP drugs were famously ineffective and expensive from the moment they were “approved” for use.
Low efficacy combined with high prices is more characteristic of price-gouging than it is of any legitimate breakthrough. Blocking CGRP carries major medical risks, as I discussed in September 2018. As usual, the medical profession re-wrote reality in order to conform to the new drugs.
Sample PDF downloads from of Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition:
Click here to see the first few pages, including the table of contents and index (size: 6 MB)
Click here for a larger sample with photos (size: 43 MB)
The concepts in Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition have been validated in many ways, including clinical effectiveness, thorough review of the research for more than 20 years, and by confirmatory publications in many peer-reviewed journals, including (online x1), British Medical Journal (BMJ: online x3, print x1), Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Nutritional Perspectives (x11), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Original Internist (x3), Integrative Medicine (x4), Holistic Primary Care, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (x2), Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA), Dynamic Chiropractic (x3), Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Current Asthma and Allergy Reports, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Nature Reviews Rheumatology, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, and Arthritis & Rheumatism—Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology.
Also and importantly, while I was finishing Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition in 2016, I was also completely immersed in the production of the Human Microbiome and Dysbiosis in Clinical Disease course which was approved for CME—continuing medical education—which ran from 2015-2017. Obviously this is a weath of information that will be integrated into upcoming works, especially the 2024 books on chronic pain.

The most important event of our current existence (and perhaps our lifetimes) is the globalist takeover of world governments under the disguise of 1) plandemic insanity, 2) climate crisis, and now 3) water shortage.
I’ve already discussed and deciphered these events in various posts and videos and will thus try to avoid repeating the same conclusions that I’ve already reviewed in various posts and videos:
this is pure madness for the sake of sadistic control and hegemonic profiteering,
the people, the public, people like you and me need to fight against this insanity, most likely by organizing and funding class-action lawsuits.
See videos linked below for the most efficient summaries of conclusions 1 and 2 above.