See Part2 video included above
See Part1 from yesterday
Ingredient combinations that are inherently/unavoidably unsafe
The internet and the history books have been scrubbed of the fact that vaccines are considered “inherently/unavoidably unsafe”, but many articles still use this description when discussing vaccines; commonly, they put the phrase in quotation marks as if to create some distance, and further such as in the example below, the author provides more distance by referring to vaccines as “these products” so that these quoted phrases don’t coexist within the same sentence:
"Influential legal experts have agreed that manufacturers of these “unavoidably unsafe products” should be exempted from strict liability for these products, as long as consumers are adequately warned about their risks. ... In the early 1980s, however, the supply of some essential childhood vaccines was threatened by manufacturers who argued that the cost of persistent lawsuits exceeded the income they could earn from these products." Safety, Supply, and Suits — Litigation and the Vaccine Industry. N Engl J Med 2011;364:1485-1487 10.1056/NEJMp1102182