Kamala Harris requires that her employees are “fully vaccinated“ with the most dangerous and clinically worthless vaccine ever created in the history of medicine
Drug/chemical companies control most of the government of the United States so the only way anybody can get close to the presidency is by swearing allegiance to the flag of big Pharma
Like I’ve said before, drug/chemical companies control most of the government of the United States so the only way anybody can get close to the presidency is by swearing allegiance to the flag of big Pharma.
American vice president and 2024 presidential candidate Kamala Harris has already told everyone what her vaccine policy will be, because she’s making vaccines obligatory for her staff and employees.
I would reasonably and successfully argue that her policy was never in accord with good science, but by this point in history, five years after the launch of their plandemic, her position on this topic is completely absurd. We have treatments that are better than the one that she’s mandating.
Harris for President requires all employees to be "up to date" on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign's COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department prior to reporting to an office location. https://jobs.lever.co/BFP/35aefe73-3cc5-4359-8ff8-47a5eebbf519
Democratic National Committee requires all employees to be "up to date" on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. Data Associate - Democratic National Committee - Career Page https://democraticnationalcommittee.applytojob.com/apply/M15Ap57u6a/Data-Associate?source=Our%20Career%20Page%20Widget

She also enthusiastically endorses being “woke”… whatever that means
I think American presidential elections are a complete fraud starting from the choice of candidates. The globalists are clearly running the show.
You can’t possibly tell me that in a country of 330 million people, these are the best options we have to lead the country.
No one in the right mind could possibly defend that position. As such, I consider this to be evidence of the elections are fraud from the moment they are conceived and the candidates are selected.