PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE: International Team of Researchers Confirms Earlier Findings of Harm (Source, Summary, Infographic)
When multiple lines of investigation by different researchers reach the same conclusion of harm, the medical profession and politicians should implement the precautionary principle
When multiple lines of investigation by different researchers reach the same conclusion, the medical profession and those who make public health policy should pay particular attention, and—in the case of evidence of harm and inappropriate allocation of public money—should implement the precautionary principle (do no harm).
Reminder: This information including the full-text article was shared earlier this week via Telegram; please follow for additional articles, news, and videos
Source: Kostoff et al, Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19? Toxicology Reports, Volume 8, 2021, Pages 1665-1684 FREE ACCESS to full text: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.08.010
Summary: “A novel best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis showed very conservatively that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic.”
Infographic: provided below, excerpted directly from the original article; copy/save and share
Confirmation of previous analysis on the same topic—YES: A similar conclusion was published in The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy. Vaccines (2021 June) but then the article was withdrawn for suspicious and probably political reasons (not medical/scientific reasons) because the journal received private funding by someone known to promote and profit from vaccine sales.
Confirmation of previous analysis on related topic—YES: A similar conclusion was published in Mogensen et al. The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment. eBioMed published by THE LANCET Published: January 31, 2017 DOI 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.01.041: "Between 3 and 5 months of age, children who received DTP and OPV early had 5-fold higher mortality than still unvaccinated children. ... Among 3–5-month-old children, having received DTP (±OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 (95% CI 1.53–16.3) compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children. Differences in background factors did not explain the effect. The negative effect was particularly strong for children who had received DTP-only and no OPV (HR = 10.0 (2.61–38.6)). All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines (HR = 2.12 (1.07–4.19))." FREE ACCESS to full text:

The precautionary principle is a broad epistemological, philosophical and legal approach to innovations with potential for causing harm when extensive scientific knowledge on the matter is lacking. It emphasizes caution, pausing and review before leaping into new innovations that may prove disastrous. [Wikipedia]
“The precautionary principle enables decision-makers to adopt precautionary measures when scientific evidence about an environmental or human health hazard is uncertain and the stakes are high.” [European Parliment]