THANK YOU to American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)'s "Science Magazine" for documenting the risks and lack of surveillance for dangerous Covid vaccine consequences
Science Magazine (now $cience Magazine) from American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) *accidentally* explodes the "safe" vaccine myth
Science Magazine (now $cience Magazine) from American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) *accidentally* explodes the "safe" vaccine myth
This attached document published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) qualifies as one of the most insane/revealing documents I've ever read, particularly on the topics of vaccines, Covid, and the failure of safety and regulatory mechanisms from top to bottom.
Title: Coronavirus vaccines may cause Long Covid–like symptoms
Source: Science magazine
Date: 20 Jan 2022
Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
This is possibly an "Easter egg" exposé written by the authors to expose one of the biggest travesties to ever occur in science (now "$cience"), medicine and public policy.
"Easter egg" definition: 1) a hidden feature in a commercially released product such as software or movie [], 2) a hidden message, as a cryptic reference, iconic image, or inside joke, that fans are intended to discover in a television show or movie []
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is a pro-tech pro-chem pro-pharma organization that publishes the magazine Science. Essentially all of their articles glorify “scientific progress” and anything related to production and sales of chemicals/pesticides, genetically modified foods (GMO), drugs and vaccines.
For example, AAAS implies that Americans who want appropriate labeling for genetically modified patented foods that are sprayed with harmful chemical pesticides are “scientifically illiterate.” They state in 2015, “The American population in general borders on scientific illiteracy. The gap between what scientists believe, grounded on empirical evidence, often sharply differs from what the general public thinks is true. The differences are sharpest over biomedical research, including GMOs. 88% of AAAS scientists think eating GM food is safe, while 37% of the public believes that it’s not.” (
My INFOGRAPHIC SUMMARY from this article contains the major points:
1. Inappropriate, unjustified, and misleading use of the word “rare” repeated (x8) while at the same time the authors document the complete failure of regulatory and investigational machinery. In other words, they are lying by describing something as “rare” when at the same time they acknowledge that “no-one is counting the cases.”
Like I said recently, they cannot honestly describe anything as “rare” unless they know the exact frequency/incidence of the event; in this case, they are trying to convince the readers that vaccine consequences are “rare” (repeated 8 times in the article) yet at the same time they acknowledge that no-one is counting the adverse effects. This is clear/blatant/obvious manipulation and misinformation, brought to you by a magazine calling itself “Science” and an organization calling itself American Association for the Advancement of Science.
They should call themselves American Association for the Advancement of Science Sales (AAASS)
2. Adverse effects from Covid vaccines can be devastating, life-changing, and deadly and should be described as such instead of repeating the word “rare” 8 times on the same page.
Although we all know that deaths can occur from the Covid vaccines, the focus of this article was on “long covid” as a consequence of the vaccines and therefore the topic of death was (strategically) not mentioned.
Several of the patient cases included in the article show a devastating life-changing complications as a direct result of the vaccine. We know that the correlation is direct because of the timing and the consistency among different cases.
3. Absolute failure of regulatory surveillance for adverse effects
The American government is completely failing to monitor, count and research these adverse effects from the same vaccines that the government is forcing upon the population.
4. Medical journals are refusing to publish the little bit of data that is available
Amazingly, they document the fact that medical journals are refusing to publish the evidence on the negative consequences of these vaccines.

Quotes/excerpts from the article
"coronavirus vaccines may cause Long Covid–like symptoms"
Inappropriate use of the word "rare" when they admit that 1) no-one is accurately looking at this data, 2) no-one wants to look at this data, 3) even when they do look at this data, the journals refuse to publish it. Why do they say "rare" EIGHT TIMES in this document when they also admit that these problems are under-reported and under-investigated and under-published?
"people who had experienced serious, long-lasting health problems after a COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of the manufacturer"
"Dozens more patients describing postvaccine complications"
"developed debilitating side effects after one dose of the Pfizer vaccine"
" for such patients to receive care from their local physicians" so that the information remains scattered and unorganized and unpublished and speculative
"symptoms began after the Pfizer vaccine"
"NIH scientists pulled back"
"Nath asked her to stop sending patients" so that the information remains scattered and unorganized and unpublished and speculative "silence from NIH was distressing, especially as they struggled to find care"
"Nath told Science, NIH facilities are not equipped to treat large numbers of patients long-term. Says the health care worker of the effort: “It’s too much for two people at the NIH to do.” So they just admitted that they have only 2 people part-time available to investigate adverse effects from the Covid vaccines, even though these are government-authorized and government-mandated for millions of people and also that the drug companies are receiving BILLIONS OF DOLLARS for these vaccines...yet only 2 government scientists are working on this most important topic of the past 2 years.
"The NIH data, which documented the patient cases, haven’t been reported yet. Two top medical journals declined to publish a case series of about 30 people, " Journals are refusing to publish data from the US Government researchers.
"Other researchers note the scientific community is uneasy about studying such effects. “Everyone is tiptoeing around it,” Pretorius says. “I’ve talked to a lot of clinicians and researchers at various universities, and they don’t want to touch it.”
"None of the patients with whom Science spoke has fully recovered." THEY ARE [apparently] PERMANENTLY INJURED FROM THE VACCINES.
"People with lasting health problems after vaccination" "you’re marginalized and abandoned"
"regulators, including FDA, were not promptly investigating the apparent side effects"
"After a single dose of the Moderna vaccine, the microbiology graduate student in Kassel, Germany, developed symptoms including the sensation of internal electric shocks Brianne Dressen experienced, partial facial paralysis, muscle weakness that left her terrified she was having seizures or a stroke, intense thirst, and wild swings in her heart rate and blood pressure."
"Cheng has heard from dozens of people who describe chronic postvaccine problems"
"autoantibodies in some patients with postvaccine symptoms, although not in others. Several groups are studying whether a patient’s postvaccination symptoms are due to autoantibodies to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor"
Here is the original link and/or you can see my colorful highlighting and commentary in the attached PDF.