Share this postDrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book ChaptersThese people are responsible for killing millions of innocent children, men, and womenCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMorePlayback speed×Share postShare post at current timeShare from 0:000:00/0:00Transcript6Share this postDrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book ChaptersThese people are responsible for killing millions of innocent children, men, and womenCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreThese people are responsible for killing millions of innocent children, men, and womenSee video clip included on this page (above)Dr Alex Kennerly VasquezAug 06, 20246Share this postDrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book ChaptersThese people are responsible for killing millions of innocent children, men, and womenCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareTranscriptSee video clip aboveShareAnthony Fauci details H5N1 gain of function research from his position at the NIH (video)Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquez·June 6, 2024Anthony Fauci lied to Congress and the American people when he said the government wasn’t involved in this GOF research when he himself is authorizing it and detailing it in lectures.Read full storyShareNew research finds that 116,000 American deaths and 4 million COVID-19 cases could have been avoided with low-cost low-risk multiple-benefit vitamin D supplementation, especially at 50,000 units dailyDr Alex Kennerly Vasquez·November 18, 2022A new study published in the open-access peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports (2022 November*) shows us anew what we have already known:Read full storySubscribeNew York Times legacy interview with Dr Atonof Falsity: Final Section, part5, 48minutes [NytFauci5]Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquez·May 8, 2023See final video (“part 5”) embedded in this page (above); I still plan to review the large nearly-three-hours review of “part 4” but changes if any will be cosmetic and the part5 on this page will be integrated into part4 for reasons described in the video provided above.Read full storyShareStrategic/travel/living adjustments in anticipation of the Globalist Plandemic of 2025Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquez·August 5, 2024SEE VIDEO EXCERPT ABOVERead full storyDiscussion about this videoCommentsRestacksShare this postDrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book ChaptersThese people are responsible for killing millions of innocent children, men, and womenCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreHealthy Thinking (substack) with DrVNotes, book chapters, essays and videos related to health, nutrition, medicine, society and politicsNotes, book chapters, essays and videos related to health, nutrition, medicine, society and politicsSubscribeListen onSubstack AppRSS FeedAppears in episodeDr Alex Kennerly VasquezRecent EpisodesVIDEO+PDF exercise worksheetMar 10 • Dr Alex Kennerly VasquezMicrobiome Dysbiosis (8) Dysbiosis by Location—Blood, Tissue, Parenchymal DysbiosesMar 9 • Dr Alex Kennerly VasquezMicrobiome Dysbiosis (7) Dysbiosis by Location—Genitourinary TractMar 9 • Dr Alex Kennerly VasquezBLM: BUSINESS, LEGAL, MONEY...another rejected contract based on criteria (raw video, unedited)Mar 7 • Dr Alex Kennerly VasquezLEGAL EXERCISE: Would you sign this contract? What would be your next step?Mar 6 • Dr Alex Kennerly VasquezFixing my shoulder using chiropractic concept of "instantaneous axis of rotation" (pt1) VIDEO EXCERPT to be followed by (pt2) business…Mar 3 • Dr Alex Kennerly VasquezMy Fave Songs (3) Live Epic PerformancesMar 2 • Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquezmore! QUESTIONS and ANSWERS for Dysbiosis & Microbiome (6-10) with Test-Taking StrategiesMar 2 • Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquez
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