To think clearly, you must avoid confusion. To avoid confusion, you must think clearly. [diagram, videos]
Attention to accurate information leads to pattern-recognition which is polymodal and pluripotent, ie, the more that you see and understand, the better will be your ability to see and understand
To think clearly, you must avoid confusion.
Logic, clarity, decisiveness, and self-trust are progressive, accumulative, polymodal and pluripotent.
Think clearly by constantly seeking clarity/logic/honesty and rejecting ambiguity and falsity/stupidity/manipulation. Logic, clarity, decisiveness, self-trust, and intellectual freedom are progressive and accumulative. Clarity and courage lead to more clarity and courage. Attaining and maintaining clarity are similar (eg, sense-making) but different energy-consuming processes, both of which must be pursued actively and with conscious intent. Attention to accurate information leads to pattern-recognition which is polymodal and pluripotent, ie, the more that you see and understand, the better will be your ability to see and understand across various topics and activities.
To avoid confusion, you must think clearly.
Avoid confusion by constantly *actively* seeking clarity/logic/honesty and rejecting ambiguity and falsity/stupidity/manipulation. Biologically, stress and confusion lead to brain inflammation that further impairs memory and decision-making. Confusion leads to more confusion.

Think clearly by avoiding confusion.
Avoid confusion by thinking clearly.
Citations above (see previous post with VIDEOS AND AUDIO-BOOKS on BOOKS FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL INSIGHT AND CLARITY) and below:
polymodal 3Physiology Of, relating to, or responding to more than one sensory (or other neural) modality.
pluripotent adjective Definition of pluripotent : not fixed as to developmental potentialities
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