Fauci “legacy interview” in New York Times is mostly lies, coverup, distraction, and omission. Here on this page I have posted the “final, part4” section of my review of his disastrous interview with the New York Times; this is the final section, but not the final version of that section.
I will make a final review and edit 5 days from now; if you watch the video and think you spot anything that needs correction or amendment, then send me a message within the next 4 days (Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sunday is the final day) so I can include our suggestion. Please provide a link to citation if you want to provide a factual correction. You can leave a comment or send me a reply email.
Again, the video is uploaded toward the top of this page; this is the penultimate* editing of the final section.
*penultimate = second to last
The conclusion of this video is brought to you by Generation X and the respective parental advisory for explicit lyrics. Enough said.
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