[NytFauci4] WEEKEND VIDEO: 4-day limit to provide corrections or additions; final edit will be made on Monday May 8

Fauci "legacy interview" in NewYorkTimes is mostly lies, coverup, distraction, and omission (part4 penultimate)

Fauci “legacy interview” in New York Times is mostly lies, coverup, distraction, and omission. Here on this page I have posted the “final, part4” section of my review of his disastrous interview with the New York Times; this is the final section, but not the final version of that section.


I will make a final review and edit 5 days from now; if you watch the video and think you spot anything that needs correction or amendment, then send me a message within the next 4 days (Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sunday is the final day) so I can include our suggestion. Please provide a link to citation if you want to provide a factual correction. You can leave a comment or send me a reply email.

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Again, the video is uploaded toward the top of this page; this is the penultimate* editing of the final section.

*penultimate = second to last

The conclusion of this video is brought to you by Generation X and the respective parental advisory for explicit lyrics. Enough said.

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