When drug companies make claims for political assets, embassies, and military bases, then you know that drug companies are on par with or more powerful than governments
I said it in 2019: Drug companies have become more powerful than national governments
What will the future look like when private drug companies have military capabilities?
Drug companies based in the United States make massive profits because they charge the highest possible price for their products, have zero liability for their most controversial/mandated products, and receive billions in taxpayer money. With an incoming torrent of cash from sales and subsidies, and with high levels of political protection from liability and responsibility, enormous profit becomes enormous power, which feeds more profit for more power—this is what I have termed the pharma power vortex (PDF download; Academia archive).
In 2019, I wrote that drug companies were becoming more profitable and therefore more powerful than governments. In 2021, the drug company Pfizer—notorious for its many penalties and fines for fraud (samples/excerpt images provided below)—has attempted to make a claim against some countries’ national assets, political embassies, and military bases.
“Pfizer has been accused of “bullying” Latin American governments during negotiations to acquire its Covid-19 vaccine, and the company has asked some countries to put up sovereign assets, such as embassy buildings and military bases, as a guarantee against the cost of any future legal cases, according to an investigation by the U.K.-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism.”
In late December, Pfizer made another unexpected request: that the government put up sovereign assets — which might include federal bank reserves, embassy buildings, or military bases — as collateral.
statnews.com/2021/02/23/pfizer-plays-hardball-in-covid19-vaccine-negotiations-in-latin-america 2021 Feb
What will the future look like when private drug companies have military capabilities?
Easy access to manpower, troops, strategic experts: You know that drug companies have the cash to pay mercenaries/soldiers/snipers, so no question exists about their ability to acquire troops and manpower.
Easy access to tech, tracking, information, and intelligence: You know that drug companies are tightly aligned with big tech, so certainly they will have all the tech, tracking, information, and intelligence they could possibly want.
Arms, ships, planes: Guns, rifles, rockets, ships, planes are all produced from industry and technology; industries are simply collections of buildings, workers, manufacturing machines, ie, simply nuts, bolts, and paid labor.
This is an exacerbation of the progression of events whereby corporate power becomes entangled with and indistinguishable from military power; see these videos embedded below: Economic Hitmen, America’s Backyard, “Pfizer wants military bases”