[2-hour VIDEO 5 of 5] Why are they pushing VULNERABILITY instead of real EMPOWERMENT?
WEF is your TED and they want you to think you're "vulnerable"
Here in the final part of a 5-part series, I am using Dr Brené Brown’s 2011 TED presentation "The Power of Vulnerability" as a discussion piece critiqued 1) on its own merit, and 2) within the context of the ongoing plandemic disempowerment “Great [TechnoGlobalist] Reset.”
I think that her video exemplifies how some ideas are made popular (with more than 100MILLION VIEWS) to fit the TechnoGlobalist agenda (they want people to feel vulnerable) whereas other ideas such as Antiviral Nutrition, leadership and nonpharmaceutical disease prevention and treatment are marginalized, censored, and ignored.
Ideas are “selected for popularization”—they don’t simply become popular on their own merit, nor are some great ideas sidelined by chance.
Some ideas fit the dominant paradigm and are pushed into popularity to further serve and strengthen the dominant/emerging paradigm.
Video1: TED TALKS is linked with the TechnoGlobalist WEF, and they sent Brené Brown’s 20-minute presentation to more than 100MILLION people; why are they trying to push the ideas that “we are all vulnerable” ??? “we need to embrace our vulnerability” ??? “our vulnerability is our strength” ???
Video2: They could have told 100MILLION people about the importance of EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP — but instead they want you to embrace and celebrate your “vulnerability”
Video3: They could have told 100MILLION people about vitamin D in antiviral nutrition — but instead they want you to think that “vulnerability is the defining characteristic of humanity” (it is NOT)
Video4: They could have told 100MILLION people about the importance of a safe and effective antiviral nutrition protocol — but instead they want you to think of all the bad emotional experience you’ve had
Video5: see my 2-hour video below that was spontaneously recorded yesterday and edited today
Sample images from today’s video
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“100MILLION people were contaminated with the idea that they needed to feel VULNERABLE in order to feel alive and connected. What a perverse idea.” https://twitter.com/DrVasquezHealth