“Any of these people denying the existance of viruses should work for a weekend in a sexually transmitted disease clinic and then try to convince other people that viruses don’t exist.” DrV
I understand the irony: After five years of bullsh!t propaganda about the Covid virus, now people have gone to the opposite extreme and are completely denying the existence of viruses and --in some cases-- all microbes, and infections, calling them "detoxification reactions", "exosomes" or "artifacts." The blame is clearly on the heads of those in politics and medicine for perpetuating their own fraud; but now that’s morphed into a form of oppositional defiant disorder. These people are simply living in their own private fantasy worlds.
Those who say that "viruses/infections are just medical propaganda" are asserting that dogs, dolphins, and plants (eg, Tobacco mosaic virus) are also reading and embodying the same propaganda, presumably through 5G bandwidth.
A detox reaction is not an infection, and an infection is not a Herxheimer reaction.

People who deny that infections exist and that viruses exist are demonstrating the ignorance of the entire basis of evidence which started with Koch’s postulates, but certainly didn’t end there.
Apparently, these people don’t know that half of the world population is infected with herpes simplex type one, 20% infected with herpes simplex type two and that people readily and regretfully pass these viruses between each other.
Any of these people should work for a weekend in a sexually transmitted disease clinic and then try to convince other people that viruses don’t exist.
Try observing a febrile female patient with gonorrhea or chlamydia who’s on the verge of death and then who responds immediately to intravenous antibiotics. Are they trying to say that this phenomenon doesn’t exist and that millions of women haven’t died from these infections? I guess that means that the entire concept of Sexually transmitted diseases and pelvic inflammatory disease don’t exist.
Here is my 2019 video review
PDF documents from the video: provided here for your convenience
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