Architectural Modernism recapitulates and deciphers Medical Hubris: All mechanical + all sterility + No humanity = No elegance, No BEAUTY(6)

Modernistic architecture is a reflection of the "power-over paradigm" exactly the same as modernistic medicine is not modern medicine but rather simply force and hubris

Wednesday was a long day, but worth the effort. A major connection I’d been optimistically looking for between architecture and medicine became obvious —just so happened— as we were flying over the islands of the Greater Antilles.

I had been wondering if the study of Architecture could provide insight into the faulty and decaying infrastructure of Medicine.

I’m quite sure that better music would give us better medicine, and I’m absolutely convinced that better architecture would give us better health outcomes. But I am not and will not ever be convinced that more medicine or forced medicine is going to get us healthier nor happier as a population.

As I said before recently, the problems with any given discipline often cannot be solved by the people and ideas within that same discipline, because they lack the language and perspectives which would make their problems and solutions apparent. If they had the proper language and perspectives, they wouldn’t be stuck with their problems.


In Architecture of Community, Krier asserts that modernistic architecture (contrasted against traditional architecture, and distinguished from modern architecture which is of the current era but respectful of its continuum with traditional sources) is antiscientific regressive and misanthropic because it disrespects all previously successful traditions and falsely asserts its presumptive superiority based on nothing more than reckless hubris, arrogance, and force.

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Here at HealthyThinking (, I assert that modernistic medicine (contrasted against traditional medicine, and distinguished from modern medicine which is of the current era but respectful of its continuum with traditional sources) is antiscientific regressive and misanthropic because it disrespects all previously successful traditions and falsely asserts its presumptive superiority based on nothing more than reckless hubris, arrogance, and force.


Within the profession of medicine and its affiliated branches in media and government, the problem is not simply that the words are lacking, but rather that the prelinguistic ideas themselves are banned from being considered.

No surprise that Medicine has so many problems, because most of the people within medicine don’t study outside of their discipline, because the discipline of medicine itself is all-consuming, and this consumption begins before the first day of medical school in the prior four years of undergraduate preparation, or perhaps even reaching back further into the previous/last four years of adolescence, when hopeful families start shape and therefore limit their medically-inclined children. Among all the people with whom I’ve studied and worked, my medical colleagues tend to have the narrowest range of life experiences, even if their professional knowledge runs the deepest.

I’m quite sure that better music would give us better medicine, and I’m absolutely convinced that better architecture would give us better health outcomes.

But I am not and will not ever be convinced that more medicine or forced medicine is going to get us healthier nor happier as a population.


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