Capitalizing on the cash crop of children (2) by selling them anti-obesity surgery and drugs after failing to protect them from ultra-processed foods, high-fructose corn syrup, inactivity, pesticides

AAP encouraged the development of the obesity disaster among children by passively doing nothing to combat America’s obesogenic environment and by passively siding with corporate food and big pharma

1. Our lost tradition of protecting children

Historically and internationally across nearly all cultures, children are recognized as not having the full mental capacities of adults, specifically for more complex decisions and those that have delayed consequences. This recognition is reflected in biology and neuroanatomy insofar as the brain as a physical organ is not fully formed (eg, syntaptic interconnections) at least until the late teens and early 20s.

See also:

  1. Part1: Capitalizing on the cash crop of lost children (1) selling them a lifelong cocktail of sex-change hormones

Now, society has abandoned the protection of children and has converted them into profit centers for the medical-pharmaceutical complex. Progressively over the past few years, underage/immature/underdeveloped children have gained “rights” to make major decisions, as long as those “affirmative rights” benefit the profitability and hegemony of the medical-pharma complex.

  1. Children now have the “right” to request vaccination, but they don’t have the right to refuse vaccination. In either case, they have no comprehension of immunology and microbiology, nor of the consequences such as neuroinflammation and autoimmunity.

  2. Children now have the “right” to request obesity surgery, but they don’t have the right to have playtime and physical activity during school hours.

  3. Children now have the “right” to request sex-change surgery and hormones even with zero comprehension of the consequences involved. For biologic XY males, this is going to result in an epidemic of breast and prostate cancer as these males are exposed to huge amounts of estrogen, which acts as fuel for breast cancer and prostate cancer (in addition to colon cancer and others).

The same societies that lament and condemn “sex trafficking” and “organ trafficking” and “child trafficking” are also allowing their own children to be sold to the medical-pharma machine for high-profit sex-change surgeries, genital mutilation, and pharma-surgery profiteering in the supposed name of medicine, healthcare, and “equal rights.”


2. Cashing-in on the obesity epidemic among kids after failing to protect them from the causes of obesity such as 1) obesogenic foods especially high-fructose corn syrup, 2) lack of physical training, 3) pesticides

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) encouraged the development of the obesity disaster among children by passively doing nothing to combat America’s obesogenic environment and by passively siding with corporate food and big pharma to create a nation dependent on drugs and obesity-promoting ultra-processed Frankenfoods; now with these new Clinical Practice Guidelines, pediatricians have a greenlight and new “standard of care” to allow them to cash-in on the healthcare disaster that they co-created by selling office visits for drugs, surgeries to impair nutrient digestion and absorption, and services for the audience of chronically ill youngsters they have damaged.

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The same societies that lament and condemn “sex trafficking” and “organ trafficking” and “child trafficking” are also allowing their own children to be sold to the medical-pharma machine for high-profit sex-change surgeries, genital mutilation, and pharma-surgery profiteering in the supposed name of medicine, healthcare, and “equal rights.” DrV