CDC fraud about face masks (1) is damning and therefore pay-walled to limit its distribution and discussion
I seem to be the inventor of the phrase "distribution bias" as descriptive of the gross imbalance in free access to pro-pharma and pro-propaganda articles
American citizens paid for government fraud, which was used against those same citizens.
American taxpayers paid for the CDC fraud, which was used against them by their own government to restrict their freedoms and create a culture of fear to push drugs, injections, and restrictions on education and business.
American citizens helped pay for the analysis of the government fraud that was used against them, but they can’t see the analysis without paying again to read the document.
American taxpayer dollars paid (in part) for the analysis of the fraud; but to see the analysis (funded by taxpayers) of the fraud (funded by taxpayers), you have to pay $36 to get (a mere 24 hours of) access.
Have you noticed by now that every aspect of this corrupt medical-government system is FOR PROFIT?
I seem to be the inventor of the phrase "distribution bias"1 as descriptive of the gross imbalance in free access to pro-pharma and pro-propaganda articles in contrast to the limited distribution and paywalling of articles that are supportive of nutrition, nonpharma successes, and which describe medical-political corruption.
Only 3 articles on 18Oct2023