Can’t wait for that.

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I’ve seen the other side of coin as well. The FDA raided Jonathan Wright, MD clinic south of Seattle, with drawn guns and took many of his records (never to return them,) over 20 yrs ago. The FDA has taken some supplements companies to court, claiming the company wasn’t allowed to say their supplement helped some condition, when they had studies to prove it. Many “mainline” studies, published in what are thought to be reputable journals, use a low dose or artificial substitute and arrive at the conclusion that the supplement didn’t help or caused a problem. The government should pay to have legitimate studies done on some supplements, and all new ones to be marketed plus a repeat analysis of all sold every 2 years should be done. If there is a substantial fine for harm or fraud directly paid to consumers, who can show the company doesn’t have the ingredients specified within 10% of the label, then they would have to pay the consumer a fine and be taken to court for more, then things would improve. The fool doctor who claimed that consumers shouldn’t take more than the RDA doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The RDA of 600mg /day of Vitamin C, is only enough to prevent outright scurvy. Linus Palling took 16 grams per day by spacing out C into 7-8 doses over the day . Taking 8-10gms /day, in only 2 doses will give most people loose stools. You cant take too much Vit C, unless it's IV with a low G6PD serum level. Having the FDA regulate anything is like having the fox guard the chicken coop. They are the most corrupt & incestuous organization in the govt. Their emergency approval-of the CoViD pseudo vaccine was against the law: it can't be done if there are any proper treatments, and there are at least 3: hydroxycloroquine, Ivermectin, and high-dose IV Vit C.

Lewis A Van Osdel III, MD, FAsMA

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