Double Assassination of Medical Ethics: Progression then Acceleration in the Cv19 Era
If we continue to allow those who speak the Ethical truth to be eliminated, then we are irreversibly empowering the vicious cycle of the pharma power vortex and echo chamber.
Updates in 2025: This page was originally published in 2021 and is currently being updated in February 2025 to add new videos and additional info.
Erasing the Erasure: The Disappearance of Ethics and Antiviral Nutrition in the “new normal” of the globalist plandemic
I first learned the phrase “double assassination” many years ago from Chomsky’s Hegemony or Survival wherein he documented that many South American priests who advocated liberation theology were systematically murdered (along with any witnesses) and then ignored by the media and essentially erased from the mainstream history books. Their works and lives were destroyed, and then the witnesses and any memory of their having existed were also destroyed. He writes, “They were thus doubly assassinated: murdered and forgotten.” The same occurred on a smaller scale when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and then his supposed shooter Lee Harvey Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby, who would soon thereafter die of cancer. The same occurred on a much larger scale when Indonesia’s genocide of East Timor was censored by the American media and essentially erased from the history books.
In my own personal experience: Amazon’s censorship of my books on ANTIVIRAL NUTRITION and ANTIVIRAL STRATEGIES, published in 2014 and erased in 2020
I had worked on antiviral strategies and immunonutrition protocols since the early days of my clinical practice in Seattle Washington starting in 2000. I published the protocol for the first time in 2009 in a textbook that would later become Inflammation Mastery in 2016, and I lectured in the United States and Europe on this topic. In 2014, I published the work as a separate book titled ANTIVIRAL NUTRITION which was top-ranked on Amazon for 6 years; then at the start of the pandemic in 2020 the book was suddenly disappeared from existence by Amazon, who provided no reason for the censorship. Soon thereafter, I was blocked from YouTube (vitamin D 2022, immune nutrition 2022, science 2023, autism 2023), LinkedIn (2022, 2022, 2022), and Facebook for talking about the importance of nutrition in supporting antiviral defenses. Eventually, Amazon would erase my other books on other topics such as migraine, fibromyalgia, and hypertension but somehow they missed Inflammation Mastery because it is printed by a major international publisher.
Thankfully, we now have Substack, where I have been able to re-publish my antiviral protocol as a free online course: “Self-Paced Learning: Antiviral Nutrition Protocol Structure, Science, Application.”
Disappearance of Physicians and Professors who Defend authentic Medical Ethics: How the Medical Profession proved itself to be UNPROFESSIONAL by destroying its own Code of Professional Behavior in order to force fake pandemic control measures on the global population.
We have witnessed in the Covid Plandemic era the systematic disappearance and censorship of any writers, intellectuals, speakers, teachers, physicians/clinicians, and professors who stand in defense of legitimate science, medical ethics, economic analysis of lock-down policies, or risk-benefit analysis of high-profit injexxions. The professional assassination of Medical Ethics Professor Julie Ponesse on September 7, 2021 is the most obvious example; she was eliminated from her PROFESSORSHIP OF MEDICAL ETHICS after 20 years of service for embodying the very integrity of the Ethics courses that she was hired to teach.
Bygone era of Ethics: “PARB, questions answered”
When I studied chiropractic from 1992-1996, the concept of Ethics was an obligatory component of our treatment plans and clinical chart notes; we had to include in each chart note for each patient encounter that we had discussed procedures, alternatives, risks, benefits and that we had answered any questions that the patient had. We dutifully charted this as “PARB, questions answered” and, again, it was obligatory. You will see that this was such an ingrained part of my training and practice that I also included it in Chapter 1 (Initial Considerations in Patient Assessment and Management) of my Inflammation Mastery / Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
Update 2025: see new video that discusses some aspects of ethics, excerpted below:
Disappearance of Medical Ethics from Medical Training
I am very clear in my memory of our Ethics training in medical school, because I am very clear that it didn’t happen. Our Ethics training in medical school consisted of two wastes-of-time: 1) stale didactic lectures about some imaginary and irrelevant idealization of ethical behavior which we uniformly ignored as students because we were too exhausted to pay attention and because we were already jaded from seeing patients die at the hands of physicians during our hospital rounds, and 2) problem-based learning [PBL] small group exercises wherein students who had never learned the basic pillars of Ethics were then supposed to skillfully apply these unlearned concepts to imaginary cases of zero consequence--the real task was simply to stay awake and engaged enough to get the required participation points for the session and then speed home for sleep or study. Thus, in my experience as an attentive student and physician, we had *zero* training in Ethics either in medical school or in hospital/residency training; our Professors, Program Directors and Attending Physicians failed to teach and (worse) enact ethical behavior, and we steamrolled and corralled patients into doing whatever was easiest and most profitable for us. In 2019, I wrote about how the disappearance of medical ethics is leading the entire medical profession down the slipperly slope of autonomization and dehumanizing subserviance to efficiency and the drug-of-the-month paradigm.
Update 2025: I also discuss Ethics in my 2023 review of the propaganda from NEWSWEEK magazine.
Disappearance of Physicians and Professors who Defend Ethics
What we are witnessing in the Cv19 Era is the systematic disappearance and censorship of any writers, intellectuals, speakers, teachers, physicians/clinicians, and professors who stand in defense of legitimate science, medical ethics, economic analysis of lock-down policies, or risk-benefit analysis of high-profit injexxions. The professional assassination of Ethics Professor Julie Ponesse on September 7, 2021 is (at the time of this writing) the most recent example; she was eliminated from her professorship after 20 years of service for embodying the very integrity of the Ethics courses that she was hired to teach. If we continue to allow those who speak the truth to be eliminated, such that their places in the conversation are filled by pharma sycophants and political toadies to further create an echo chamber and house of mirrors, then we are irreversibly empowering the vicious cycle of the pharma power vortex and echo chamber. Soon no other opinions will be heard--only pharma advertisements and their paid infomercials from media, politicians, and celebrity endorsements.

If we continue to allow those who speak the truth to be eliminated, such that their places in the conversation are filled by pharma sycophants and political toadies to further create an echo chamber and house of mirrors, then we are irreversibly empowering the vicious cycle of the pharma power vortex and echo chamber. Soon no other opinions will be heard--only pharma advertisements and their paid infomercials from media, politicians, and celebrity endorsements.
liberation theology is described as “the Christian theological approach emphasizing the liberation of the oppressed. In certain contexts, it engages socio-economic analyses, with social concern for the poor and political liberation for oppressed peoples."
This posting of Professor Ponesse’s dismissal was reportedly censored earlier today but is available/reinstated at the time of this posting
Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquez (introduction; brief Bio-CV) writes and teaches for an international audience on various topics ranging from leadership to nutrition to functional inflammology. Major books include Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition (full-color printing, 1182 pages, equivalent to 25 typical books [averaging 60,000 words each]), which was also published in two separate volumes as Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine (Volume 1: Chapters 1-4; Volume 2: Chapter 5—Clinical Protocols for Diabetes, Hypertension, Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Vasculitis, Dermatomyositis and most other major inflammatory/autoimmune disorders); several sections have been excerpted including Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition (ISBN 1502894890) (aka, Antiviral Nutrition [available as PDF download] and Brain Inflammation in Chronic Pain, Migraine, and Fibromyalgia. Dr Vasquez’s books are available internationally via bookstores such as BookDepository,, Barnes and Noble, ThriftBooks, AbeBooks, BetterWorldBooks, WaterStonesBooks and his new Telegram channel is