The Capitalism-as-Social Model fallacy:
CATEGORY ERROR: Capitalism is a business and market model; it is not a social model. Therefore, trying to base a society on a market model is 1) a fallacious category error, and 2) will result eventually in inflation/shrinkflation and wage-slavery.
EXCLUSIVE PRESENTATION REVEALS THE INDOCTRINATION: Capitalism is not the only business model, but most people are told and convinced that it is the only way to run a business, and (worse) a society.
SELF-SERVING: The rich people who control your society of course are going to be the ones to tell you that unregulated capitalism is the ideal system for you and your country. They are not going to tell you about other options; in fact, all other options are demonized without legitimate discussion.
“No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.” ― Assata Shakur
RELIGIOUS-REFERENCED, AS IF GOD WERE A CAPITALIST: Most of us are told that we are supposed to believe in “God” from a young age before we are able to resist or question; while we are still young, we are then told that the economy is “guided by an invisible hand” which means that we are supposed to connect and not question that capitalism is ordained by God, as if God had been transformed into an evangelical businessman.
BLAME THE VICTIM: According to capitalism, if you are poor, then it is your own fault. No-one has to think of solutions when the dynamic is presented as obvious and no-one has alternative ideas or words for other possibilities.
OUR HEROES ARE ISOLATIONISTS THAT ENCOURAGE MORE ISOLATION: US Surgeon General has zero solution for the "Devastating Epidemic of Loneliness-Isolation in the United States" to make an impact during our lifetimes
See video clips in my updated video embedded above
An Illinois jury ruled this week that several major egg producers conspired to limit the U.S.'s supply of eggs in order to raise prices in a case stemming from a federal lawsuit originally filed 12 years ago.
“Privately, Defendants acknowledged that egg prices had increased and attributed those increases to their collective actions taken in furtherance of the conspiracy,” the lawsuit reads. The federal jury reached a verdict Tuesday in favor of the plaintiffs, deciding that Rose Acre Farms, the other egg producer and the two trade groups were liable in the price-fixing conspiracy.
See also my video from 16Nov2023
Download the 12-minute introduction from
The video embedded above is expansion —now including the 12-minute introduction— of the video originally posted on Sat18Nov2023; this expansion includes additional vocabulary — which now extends beyond INFLATION to include GREEDFLATION, EXCUSEFLATION, and SHRINKFLATION. These problems exist alongside but are also extensions of your reductions in human rights and reductions in salaries and benefits that has occurred alongside and from the same source as GREEDFLATION, EXCUSEFLATION, and SHRINKFLATION.

YOU’RE BEING VIOLATED: The bottom line is that you are getting screwed out of your salary and you are being forced to pay more to receive less—that is the reality of what is occurring and it is only going to get worse; the first step is to accept what is happening.
IT IS GOING TO GET WORSE AND MORE PAINFUL: Massive layoffs and store closures are already happening and will get worse along with bank closures next year.
CORPORATIONS are not going to stop, and your POLITICIANS are not going to save you.
FEEL THE ANGER, WHICH IS THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE TO VIOLATION: The second step is to get angry when you realize the fact that your rights to a decent existence—to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”—is being stolen from you, your family, friends, and community. If you don’t have the courage to get angry when you have been betrayed, then you probably don’t have the courage or energy to actually stop the violation and create the change you need to protect your interests and punish or at least stop the violators.
If you have big money, then pay an attorney to sue the profiteers (perhaps politicians) that are robbing you and your community.
If you don’t have big money, then pool your money together with others and pay an attorney to sue the profiteers (perhaps politicians) that are robbing you and your community.
If you don’t have the money or energy for either of the above, then join a consumer watchdog group or human rights organization that will sue to defend individual and group rights against the profiteering of corporations and politicians.
Do something CONCRETE and EFFECTIVE to defend your territory, otherwise the politicians and profiteers are going to continue squeezing your salary and benefits while raising your prices and ultimately stealing your time and your right to a dignified respectable and enjoyable life.
Stop being a chump. People who accept bullshit and allow themselves to be exploited are chumps and ultimately traitors to themselves because they allow and therefore participate in their own abuse. Stop passive complaining and start active legal resistance. It is time to stop singing and start swinging. Stop fighting among yourselves for scraps and ego when the real thieves in your community are the corporate robber barons and globalists.
INDOCTRINATION by the dominant structure to support the dominant structure
We’ve all been indoctrinated into thinking that INFLATION is a normal and natural part of the “economic life cycle” which is “guided by an invisible hand” and this is how they (the social controllers) convinced you to confuse your religion and “belief in God” with free-market capitalism.
Pro tip: You cannot expect to have a stable society if that society is based on unbridled cannibalistic capitalism, because eventually prices will become too high and salaries will remain too low and the humanity that comprises the society will be starved and strangulated out of existence, or into rebellion.
Lawsuits against corruption and GREEDFLATION are the only escape from plandemia insanity
GREEDFLATION: increase in prices to increase profits while using the excuse of “inflation” which the public is indoctrinated into thinking is a “normal and natural part of the economic cycle.” This is a form of corporate profiteering.
EXCUSEFLATION: using any excuse to increase prices including blaming the price increases on a fake globalist fear campaign; once the population is in fear and distracted, then they won’t notice that they are being lied to about the real cause of increase in prices. This is a form of corporate profiteering.
SHRINKFLATION: Reduction in size of items for the same price or higher price. This is a form of corporate profiteering.
A class action, also known as a class-action lawsuit, class suit, or representative action, is a type of lawsuit where one of the parties is a group of people who are represented collectively by a member or members of that group. The class action originated in the United States and is still predominantly an American phenomenon, but Canada, as well as several European countries with civil law, have made changes in recent years to allow consumer organizations to bring claims on behalf of consumers.
SOARING PROFITS are evidence of profiteering, not inflation
When inflation is occurring: prices rise, salaries rise, and profits remain stable.
When GREEDflation is occurring: prices rise, salaries stay stagnant, and profits increase.
The only solution is collective action from the population in the form of CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS
Your bribed politicians are not going to take action against the industries that pay them and keep them in office.
Your corrupted government offices that are paid and directly funded by drug companies are not going to stop fear-mongering to sell worthless drugs.
The only solution is to stop whining and start suing—like Malcolm X stated, “STOP SINGING AND START SWINGING.”
EVERYONE KNOWS the economy is being gamed for profit at the sacrifice of the entire population
YOUR BRIBED POLITICIANS are not going to hold themselves accountable and reduce their profits for the benefit of society; they will only stop when they are forced to stop, and the only way to force them to stop is by collective class-action lawsuits.
YOUR PROFITEERING CORPORATIONS are not going to hold themselves accountable and reduce their profits for the benefit of society; they will only stop when they are forced to stop, and the only way to force them to stop is by collective class-action lawsuits.
SOULLESS PROFITEERING DRUG COMPANIES are not going to hold themselves accountable and reduce their profits for the benefit of society; they will only stop when they are forced to stop, and the only way to force them to stop is by collective class-action lawsuits.
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