Happy weekend MOVIE “Vitamin D and Immunity against Viral Infections” 2021 (edit3of4)
2-HOUR “THANK YOU VIDEO” for all the paid subscribers
Happy* weekend MOVIE, everyone!
WELCOME to all the new subscribers; get oriented with the COURSES and INDEX.
2-HOUR “THANK YOU VIDEO” for all the [paid] subscribers
THANK YOU TO ALL THE PAID SUBSCRIBERS who help cover some of the time and effort for
researching articles,
reading and re-reading,
preparing materials,
recording raw video,
editing (first pass),
re-editing (x2),
re-re-editing (x3),
posting and proofing.
Here you will find the complete version of my most recent video; this is edit no3 which will be followed by edit no4 to polish the remaining cosmetic-technical issues
As always, if you spot any glitches while you are watching then please send me a note of the issue at the time in the video and I will review for correction/editing. Thanks :-)
VIDEO: DrV’s “Vitamin D and Immunity against Viral Infections” 2021 (edit3of4)
*Well, I supposed we’d have to qualify “happy” considering that we are 2 years into a global takeover by the Pharma-Tech-Banking Cartels…but we still have to try to be happy despite the chaos, propaganda, political betrayal, obvious high-level fraud, daily censorship, inflated case/death numbers, and disappearance of basic human rights and medical ethics such as bodily autonomy, informed consent, freedom of movement and freedom of speech.
Definition of cartel: a combination of independent commercial or industrial enterprises designed to limit competition or fix prices (eg illegal drug cartels); a combination of political groups for common action