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When will "people" understand how the major influences in society have been BOUGHT (or they sold out) - PAID OFF to distribute p r o p a g a n d a to gain massive "acceptance" by society and allow the destructive actions to proceed (laws ignored or changed). It all points to the demise of global population and destroying the US is a key part of the overall scheme.

Now, consider where that much seemingly infinite source of cash could come from. Aside from mega millionaires we know of, there are countries who have been enabled to produce nearly all the goods provided in US and beyond - billions of $ from massive sales. How is that country's govt using the proceeds? That cash has been presented to top edu systems, med journals, news media, exec/legis/judicial levels of govt and down to corporations and "influential" individuals. All made a choice to accept "sponsorship" in exchange for passing along the p r o p a g a n d a. The WWII "Tokyo Rose" of this century. In fairness, it is all a wolf in sheep's clothing and some unknowing persons may have thought it was for good. Some individuals are waking up to the end results of their choices. Mostly, people can't/refuse to see they believed LIES. Massive betrayal.

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