IMAGINE a World where Everyone Understood Viral Infections and How to Prevent/Treat Them
An Effective AntiViral Strategy DEFLATES many Diseases and Virus/Fear-based Political Takeovers
In mid-2022, I will review and update the Antiviral Nutrition Strategy for a conference presentation; as such, this is a good time to review the basic foundation
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By 2014, I could see that the politicians and drug companies had disconnected from logic, science, and ethics, and that they had hijacked the entire medical and public health narrative. With that recklessness and power in the hands of profiteering billionaires and politicians, the world was vulnerable to the global takeover that started in 2020. I wrote books and articles in 2014 trying to head-off what was coming; one of these works was my short book “Antiviral Nutrition” published as an ebook which was banned by Amazon in early 2020 —six years after its publication; the book was also published as a paper book titled Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition and the PDF was made available for download.
I published a summary of the structure of the strategy in English and Spanish in 2014:
I could see the urgency of changing the antiviral paradigm since 2014; in September 2019 I publicized a video review on this topic, just 3 months prior to the launch of Covid19 and the Great Reset.
Still aware of what was likely coming, I revised my Antiviral Strategy in video format in late 2019. This video has had tens of thousands of views.
VIDEO: ANTIVIRAL STRATEGIES: Functional Infectology, Microbiology, Infectious Disease 2019 ReIntroduction
By March 2020, the politicized hysteria was becoming obvious, so I made another video specifically addressing coronavirus infections.
These two videos are prophetic, describing the political hijacking, the suppression of nutrition information, and the failure of covid vaccinations.
Relatedly, the ongoing hijacking of science and medicine was becoming painfully obvious throughout 2019; I published many articles in 2019 forecasting what was coming.
VIDEO: Antiviral Nutrition Update: March 2, 2020
An Effective AntiViral Strategy DEFLATES many Diseases and Virus/Fear-based Political Takeovers
IMAGINE a World where Everyone Understood Viral Infections and How to Prevent/Treat Them
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