Thank you Dr.V. I agree with your stance on leadership. The powers that be don't want leaders, they want people who will follow orders. I see Fauci as a sock puppet put in place as a frontman for the pharma/Gates cabal. His incompetence and pathological lying go right back to the AZT days. The fact he's still in such a position of power is very telling. He doesn't have specific numbers because they don't want this 'pandemic' to end. It serves an agenda that's been in the works for a long time.

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Complete agreement. Thanks for your comments :)

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Thank you for all your important work! It is greatly needed and appreciated. What do you think is the most important thing for people to do right now in order to combat the corruption that's happening?

p.s. There's been a lot of debate recently about high meat diets (carnivore etc) vs plant-based. Might be an interesting video topic?

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We all have to be "activists" in every possible way while also preserving our sanity and individual responsibilities, eg, "balanced activism"

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Hi DrV, Excellent insight here, thank you. How does one use a tactful effective strategy to remove a poor leader (manipulative) who does not wish to be removed? By forming a coup of other followers and “voting” the bad leader out? I apologize if the answer was already inferred.

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Yes, as you said, 1) have to DOCUMENT EVERYTHING form a quorum/group to OUST THE MANIPULATOR. If that is not possible, then 2) each person has to leave the group and save themselves, perhaps form a different group. Manipulators never leave voluntarily.

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