Plandemic Playbook (11) endgame is WORLD DOMINATION, one-world government under the disguise of HEALTH and MEDICINE

They claim to have already infiltrated governments of most countries--see video headliner above

coup d'état:ˈkü-(ˌ)dā-ˌtä, : a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics—especially : the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group1

They are calling it a “treaty” but it is more like a hijacking and coup d'état

Most countries are already under nongovernmental control/influence with regard to “public health.” By now, all citizens need to be voting with near exclusivity (ie, “as much as possible”) for candidates that resist this new fake governance by private profiteering organizations who are pretending to save the world from infections and climate change.

REPEAT: YOU and YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY need to be voting as much as possible for candidates that resist this new fake governance by private groups who are pretending to save the world from infections and climate change.

Nothing will stop them except a strong legitimate government that directly blocks this from happening. In America, we have two presidential candidates—DeSantis and Kennedy—that state they will not allow the country to be hijacked. Most other countries are already lost.


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