Plandemic Playbook (9) Make experts look like idiots and make idiots look like experts so that no one knows who to listen to or who they can trust

VACCINE ADVOCATE actor Tom Hanks gets honorary DOCTORATE DEGREE from Harvard University

“Part of the plandemic playbook is to make experts look like idiots and make idiots look like experts so that no one knows who to listen to or who they can trust.” DrV twitter 21Mar2023

International experts in medicine with legitimate doctorate degrees (eg Pierre Kory MD, Peter McCullough MD MPH, Paul Marik MD, many others including myself) were censored, deplatformed, and attacked, while climate alarmists and vaccine-mask-lockdown alarmists were rewarded, given international attention, and received honorary doctorate degrees.

  • CLIMATE ALARMIST political puppet activist Greta Thunberg gets honorary DOCTORATE DEGREE from Finnish university—March 20231

  • VACCINE ADVOCATE actor Tom Hanks gets honorary DOCTORATE DEGREE from Harvard University.2



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Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquez