Sorry I was away from my desk for a few days, but I was escaping the imminent collapse of Europe
Yes, I really did leave--more like ESCAPE--the European continent and I will never go back
Dear All—Please pardon my past few days of radio silence on various media platforms as we just left our lives in Europe to have better social and political stability elsewhere.
We enjoyed it while it lasted
At the start of the 2020 plandemic, I remember telling a friend that Europe was the best location to weather the storm because of the excellent infrastructure and stability built upon its obvious survivability for the past 2,000 years (more like 10,000+ years); at that time, I would have never imagined that Europe’s governments would sell their populations to pharmaceutical-globalist interests… But then I saw it happen. As I mentioned previously, I was shocked when our local neighborhood started using a digital-tracking and social-credit system to throw away our trash (linked below).
Having lived in Europe for the past 9 years, we know from first-hand experience the declining conditions in Europe, and the future for The Continent does not look bright:
Unemployment is high and getting higher,
Business closures and the mysterious disappearance of banks: banks were closing all around us as were the local small (and large) stores,
Depression and divorce/separation rates are skyrocketing,
Tourism nearly disappeared: Europe’s tourism industry* (a major source of income for France and Spain) is flat-lining (ie, less income), while at the same time…
New taxes and fines, higher fuel/utility bills = regressive taxation: prices for utilities and taxes (to compensate for the lack of industry/taxes/income) and fines are hitting new heights (ie, more [inescapable] expenses),
“European gas prices already at record highs…” “So acute is the problem of soaring heating oil, gas and electricity prices that president of the Greek tourism confederation Yiannis Retsos wrote to ministers urging them to provide financial support, saying it was "objectively impossible" for year-round hotels to the cover their costs...” (Reuters 2022 March)
*Housing glut/bubble caused by the collapse of the tourism industry means new construction won’t be necessary, which dominoes into less construction/engineering/architecture work.
“across the [southern European] region, the pandemic has changed the face of tourism. Hotels were already grappling with higher fuel bills and inflation which a further energy price surge in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine will only make worse.” (Reuters 2022 March)
Pending food shortages: Europe’s cheap labor from Africa can’t enter The Continent to pull fruits and vegetables from the fields.
War in Ukraine, threatening the entire Continent with interrupted food and fuel supplies, along with pulling the European Union into the conflict.
Of course, the European Union prints its own money and therefore—exactly like the United States—can bail itself out of bankruptcy and debt simply by minting valueless coin, ultimately reducing the value of its own currency, providing short-term “solutions”, inflating an economic bubble, and forcing the consequential debt, responsibility and hardship on future generations.
European Union had already become a “giant, dysfunctional, overreaching bureaucracy” before it sold its soul and its citizens to the Pharma-Tech globalists to implement The Great Plandemic Reset
Nick Giambruno: Doug, you predicted the fall of the European Union a few years ago. What has changed since then?
Doug Casey: Well, what’s changed is that the entire situation has gotten much worse. The inevitable has now become the imminent. The European Union evolved, devolved actually, from basically a free trade pact among a few countries to a giant, dysfunctional, overreaching bureaucracy.
Government agents calling (from their fear and ignorance) for the mandatory vaccination of the entire world “for better or for worse” via social means or by use of military force, ie, mandatory vaccination at gunpoint
Anyone paying any attention to the facts already knows that plandemic injections are colossal failures, huge expenses, major distractions, and loaded with medical risks ranging from brain disorders to autoimmunity to death.
But facts don’t matter to politicians who are committed to implementing the Great-Reset-“Build-Back-Better”-New-World-Order.
“Spain’s largest mass grave is crammed with the remains of some 33,800 people from both the Nationalist and Republican sides, whose bones were dug up from cemeteries across Spain and reburied in the monument in a feigned attempt at reconciliation.” (Jones 2021)
After the social collapse of Germany, Austria, and France, the final straw for me was this announcement from a Spain politician (see video below) saying that Europe should push mandatory vaccination “for better or for worse, by social means or by military means.”
That was a clear and public announcement for medical fascism, even if it means imprisoning people and killing them; given Spain’s 40 years of overt fascism under Franco with much of that infrastructure still in place, this announcement was particularly chilling.
I posted the video on my Telegram channel on the same day that I saw it (22 Nov 2021) and from that moment, I knew that we had to leave Europe. We were watching the progressive collapse of France, Germany, Austria, and Spain; we could not afford to take the risk when the governments were publicly announcing plans to make things worse.
“The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was won by the fascist side, which established a military dictatorship that only ended when its leader, Francisco Franco, died in 1975. More than 40 years later, it is still the subject of intense debate in Catalan and Spanish politics, as most of the 2,000 mass graves in Spain are yet to be exhumed. ... Spain is the second country in the world with the most mass graves after Cambodia" (ACN 2017)
Any pro-fascist public announcement from a government official threatening military rule over society needs to be taken seriously; so we took it seriously and left.
Too much was at stake to pretend to be ignorant, and we’d already lost most of the “European experience” of open markets, free travel between countries, the inclusion and celebration of different cultures and perspectives.
Remember, Germany has already shown what it can do to its own population, and so has Spain, eg, “Spain is the second country in the world with the most mass graves after Cambodia.” Austria had already banned unmedicated citizens from leaving their homes, eerily like the forced quarantine of German Jews prior to their forced imprisonment and attempted extinction by the Germans in the early 1900s.
No fun + all risk = time to go!
We will forever remember the great European experiences we had, and now we’ll move forward elsewhere and create other experiences. In particular from having been an architecture fanatic from a young age, I will miss the abundant art nouveau, which is nearly impossible to find in the Americas, except for Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Citations for quotes and stats:
Karolina Tagaris. Southern Europe grapples with changing face of tourism. March 7, 2022.
Doug Casey Says the EU’s Collapse Is Now “Imminent” [no date provided]