Are we allowed to ask questions about mathematically impossible sequential crises, disaster capitalism, and fake wildfires?
Are we allowed to question the narrative?
Sequential crises, disaster capitalism and fake wildfires (?) keep the population scared, distracted, and confused so they can be enslaved. Are we allowed to question the narrative?
SPAIN: Wildfires were intentionally set.
Arson is not climate change.
How did Canada all of a sudden have uncontrollable wildfires on both sides of their continent when they’ve had a steady decline in wildfires and a steady increase in rainfall over the past few years?

GREECE WILDFIRES: mathematically unlikely if not impossible
Greece reported 69 wildfires within a period of 24 hours. I think this is virtually impossible to have occurred naturally.
Do you think 69 wild fires occurred naturally and spontaneously without human action or direct negligence?