Minor updates to my “logic-interconnections” diagram
Perhaps the diagram will simply have to remain intuitive and somewhat theoretical as it has been since I made it, and that would be fine with me.
I have a nonurgent desire to make this diagram accurate/better but I have found essentially zero sources of additional information; if per chance anyone has a good source/document, I’d be happy to review.
Perhaps the diagram will simply have to remain intuitive and somewhat theoretical as it has been since I made it, and that would be fine with me.
Minor updates were made today to my “logic-interconnections” diagram after reading two articles, the first of which made zero contribution and the second of which made microscopic contribution.
Neil Tennant. Logic, Mathematics, and the Natural Sciences. Philosophy of Logic: Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. 2007, Pages 1145-1162 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-044451541-4/50030-0
Diana Sarb. Connections between Musical and Logical-Mathematical intelligences. Educatia 21. 2019 academia.edu/107259905