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QUICK CONSULT VIDEO Laboratory Assessment of Renal/Kidney Function; Hyperkalemia, Elevated Potassium (2016 edit of 2012 lecture)
From the archives, I presume it is still accurate because I was pretty nerdy back then
Index of Expert Quick Consults:
Iron Deficiency: One of the most common nutritional deficiencies worldwide
Iron Overload: Commonly the result of a genetic trait that fully affects ~1 per 200 persons and partly affects 1 per 7 persons
Acute Vitamin D Optimization: This is VERY IMPORTANT in the treatment of acute viral infections
Acute Vitamin A Repletion: This is VERY IMPORTANT in the treatment of acute viral infections
QUICKLY Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People in Your Personal Life, Job, and National Politics
Quick Consult on Acute/Chronic Zinc Supplementation in Adults
Dietary Protein Intake + Renal Determination of Amino Acid Metabolism + Implications for infections such as Covid19
And with the math ...protein at 130 (30%) and carbs at 75 (17%) is fat at 100 grams (52%) too much?
I guess I’m wondering what is the hierarchy of focus? Is Low carb count more important than eating the fruits & veggies?