VIDEO: 5 Spontaneous Lessons from the first 4 Years of the Globalist Plandemic

What >5 lessons did you learn from 4 years of the Plandemic (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)?

What >5 lessons did you learn from 4 years of the Plandemic (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)?

See video embedded above

Here are the main 5 lessons I see from spending 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 under the jackboot of the Plandemic Playbook:

LESSON 1: Antiviral nuance/trivia

We learned/verified a few things about viruses and infections, but these are things that either 1) we already knew or 2) we could have learned in ways other than sacrificing millions of lives and livelihoods and transferring trillions of dollars to organizations already convicted of criminal activity.

We learned some more details to plug into my antiviral protocol but the overall protocol still stands strong:

Sources and details:

  1. COURSE: Self-Paced Learning Antiviral Nutrition Protocol Structure, Science, Application

  2. VIDEO: Vitamin D against Viral Infections

  3. Upcoming: I have mentioned ivermectin previously but will provide a mechanistic overview soon; this topic really needs to start from basic pharmacology to review some of the noted adverse effects (such as corneal opacification) that seem to be ignored in most pro-ivermectin discussions.

  4. PDF Published articles:

Dr Alex Vasquez 2019 Jom Editorial Virusesvitaminsvaccinesbmjcontext
10.9MB ∙ PDF file
Dr Alex Vasquez 2014 Antiviral Strategy En Es
13.3MB ∙ PDF file

LESSON 2: All medical and “public health” organizations (including the major medical journals and newspapers and television) are enslaved to the globalists

Previously we thought that organizations such as the WHO, AMA, medical schools/ journals / organizations functioned somewhat independently of centralized control but now we have clarity that all of these facets of the medical-industrial complex are orchestrated by a central controlling force. They functioned “in lock-step” to push the plandemic-pharma-globalist agenda and they all worked together to suppress any alternative conversation or therapeutic option.

This “lock-step” control also extends to nutritionists, dieticians, chiropractic, osteopathic and naturopathic medicine—all of these supposedly “independent” groups fell in line behind the globalist-pharma propaganda and did nothing with any effect to voice or enact any resistance or alternative to the mainstream narrative.

Major medical organizations such as the American Medical Association and its journals with national dominance and international power will publish peer-reviewed garbage to glorify drugs and demonize nutrition so that the dominating narrative remains focused on high-profit drugs with zero clinical benefit.

Dr Alex Vasquez 2021 Call For Retraction Preprint Infographic Jama Bogusvitamindstudycovid
691KB ∙ PDF file
Dr Alex Vasquez 2019 Pizzorno Editorial Scientific Integrity
1.4MB ∙ PDF file

LESSON 3: We learned that our governments are enslaved to the PharmaGlobalists and that they will directly harm their own populations in order to profit the PharmaGlobalists

Governments will trample the lives and livelihoods of their citizens in order to push the PharmaGlobalist agenda; this includes the self-proclaimed beacon of “freedom and democracy” — the United States of America — which actively suppressed its own Constitutionally-protected “Right to Free Speech and Free Assembly” by manipulating/threatening social media platforms to control the flow of speech, information, and ideas that were perceived as threatening to the PharmaGlobalist agenda of drug dependency, face-masking, social distancing, etc.

Govt Censorship Judgement 2023
725KB ∙ PDF file

LESSON 4: We learned that the majority of citizens will comply with senselessness, and that our politicians will not protect us.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire


“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”―Friedrich Nietzsche

LESSON 5: We learned that ….

LESSON 5: We learned that we as “the people” are poorly protected or not protected at all from the actions and whims of a single globalist organization.

A small percentage of the population was able to skirt the restrictions and obligations of the plandemic, but this was more matter of luck and chance than it was of any strength or nobility of soul; the self-praise that such people laud upon themselves exemplifies the logical error/fallacy known as the survivorship bias.

Survivorship bias or survival bias is the logical error of concentrating on entities that passed a selection process while overlooking those that did not. This can lead to incorrect conclusions because of incomplete data.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire

We all saw our fellow citizens abused and sometimes killed by “authorities” acting on behalf of the globalists.

The fact that some people were able to skirt the restrictions and obligations of the plandemic was more matter of luck and chance than it was of any strength or nobility of soul; the fact is that the entire global population was adversely affected by this blatant propaganda and attempted hegemony.

Survivorship bias (or survivor bias) is a cognitive fallacy in which, when looking at a given group, you focus only on examples of successful individuals (the “survivors”) in the selection process rather than the group as a whole (including the “non-survivors”).1

Hundreds of thousands of people were killed or injured unnecessarily as a result of the botched and destined-to-fail plandemic response; the fact remains that we are all vulnerable this steamroller recurring again.
