Mechanistic Role of Vitamin D Deficiency in Mood Disorders, Anxiety, and Depression
The medical profession’s failure to address this problem is clinical and ethical malpractice (nutritional neglect) that results in needless suffering and billions of dollars in avoidable expenses.
We know that vitamin D deficiency promotes chronic pain, pain chronification, and pain amplification by several different mechanisms, and that vitamin D supplementation reverses these pathologies. I covered all of that information in Part 1.
Here in Part 2, I detail the high frequency of vitamin D deficiency in various international communities, the ways that vitamin D deficiency contributes to mood disorders, anxiety and depression, and how to diagnose and treat this problem. Video no3 in this series details the role of vitamin D in supporting external barrier defenses.
Given the high frequency of vitamin D deficiency in the general population and its clear causation in mood disorders, anxiety and depression, the medical profession’s failure to address this problem is clinical and ethical malpractice (nutritional neglect) that results in needless suffering and billions of dollars/euros in avoidable healthcare expenses for hundreds of millions of people.
If you haven’t already downloaded the compilation of most of my major articles on vitamin D, you can find it here:
Note that this page was reviewed and replaced in December 2024 with the new page being located at the link provided immediately below:
Note that this page was reviewed and replaced in December 2024 with the new page being located at the link provided immediately below:
Antiviral Nutrition Protocol available now
Human Microbiome and Dysbiosis available now with more to come
Functional Inflammology Protocol Structure and Integration into Clinical Practice deployment in process
Beyond Integrative Pain Management pending
Critical Analysis of Medical Research and Political Propaganda pending
Complete Index of Contents
Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquez (introduction; brief Bio-CV) writes and teaches for an international audience on various topics ranging from leadership to nutrition to functional inflammology. Major books include Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition (full-color printing, 1182 pages, equivalent to 25 typical books [averaging 60,000 words each]), which was also published in two separate volumes as Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine (Volume 1: Chapters 1-4; Volume 2: Chapter 5—Clinical Protocols for Diabetes, Hypertension, Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Vasculitis, Dermatomyositis and most other major inflammatory/autoimmune disorders); several sections have been excerpted including Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition (ISBN 1502894890) (aka, Antiviral Nutrition [available as PDF download] and Brain Inflammation in Chronic Pain, Migraine, and Fibromyalgia. Dr Vasquez’s books are available internationally via bookstores such as BookDepository,, Barnes and Noble, ThriftBooks, AbeBooks, BetterWorldBooks, WaterStonesBooks and his new Telegram channel is
The above video, along with others and PDF ebooks, is available for download.

Brain Inflammation (ISBN 1530471893) by Dr Alex Vasquez