QUICK INSIGHT: Understanding Vitamin D as Keystone and Control Relay between Environment and Metabolism
Sufficient vitamin D status is the physiologic expectation and is the biomedical norm; deviations from this (ie deficiency) cause metabolic malfunction, experienced as one/several health problems

How can vitamin D “appear” to be such a miraculous treatment for so many disorders and dysfunctions?
That is a common question with a very simple answer: Vitamin D is a keystone molecule with thousands of functions that include:
Nutrigenomics: direct control of expression of roughly 3,000 genes*
Epigenetics: indirect control of expression of several hundred/thousand genes by controlling key transcription factors such as NFkB (*see video1)
Intracellular messengers: control of pivotal keystone intracellular messengers thereby controlling cell membrane function, neurotransmitter production and reception (see video2), gene transcription, protein function, hormone production
Redox: direct influence on key antioxidant systems, thereby regulating cellular protection and gene expression
Mitochondria: direct influence on mitochondrial function, thereby affecting ATP/energy production and gene expression via ROS/radical signaling
Immunomodulation: inflammatory phenotype (see video review no4)
Metabolism: indirect influence on systemic metabolism and inflammation via modulation of the gut microbiome, which has consequences for various diseases ranging from autoimmunity to autism to depression and pain syndromes (see Human Microbiome Course)
Immunonutrition: direct impact on anti-viral immunity and modulation of inflammatory responses (see Antiviral Nutrition Course)
If “Vitamin D deficiency causes X” then “Vitamin D repletion cures/alleviates X”
Pain, pain amplification, pain chronification especially in migraine, fibromyalgia (see my video1)
Mood disorders, depression, anxiety (see my video2)
Predisposition to allergy, infection, and autoimmunity via weakened barrier defenses (video3)
Predisposition to infection, excess inflammation (acute lung injury, respiratory distress, cytokine storm) and autoimmunity via failure of immunomodulation (video4)
What is the biologic explanation and evolutionary perspective?
Vitamin D serves as an interface and control relay between environment and metabolism. Sufficient vitamin D status is the physiologic expectation and is the biomedical norm; deviations from this ie deficiency cause metabolic malfunction, experienced as one or several of a wide range of dysfunctions that eventually promote overt clinical disease.
The “vitamin D deficiency of winter” is not necessarily a physiologic expectation because it would only apply to humans living 1) clothed, 2) sheltered, in 3) northern climates—ie, conditions that did not apply for the millions of years of mammalian then human evolution.
The “vitamin D deficiency of winter” is the pathophysiologic norm of populations living 1) clothed, 2) sheltered, and/or 3) in northern climates.
The “vitamin D deficiency of winter” provides a tribal survival advantage by 1) exacerbating inflammation and thus sickness behavior, which includes social isolation of sick people, 2) promoting seasonal weight gain, adiposity (via inflammation, insulin resistance, and dysbiosis) for increased survival during winter months when food is scarce, 3) promoting apathy/depression/isolation (thus safety and conservation of energy) during dark winter months.
To clarify and specify: Vitamin D deficiency does not simply promote and amplify illness; the condition of vitamin D deficiency is itself an illness—one with various manifestations that are commonly and erroneously diagnosed and treated separately (eg, pain, depression, metabolic disorders) with drugs while the underlying problem festers and continues. This observation serves to explain why the pharma-controlled medical profession continues to strategically misunderstand this keystone pathway: their ignorance is profitable for repeat sales and medical services.
See this excerpt from video no4 on inflammation, hypercoagulation, and immunomodulation which will be available soon only for paid subscribers:
“By combined use of Strategic Denial, Research Fraud, Pharmaceutical-Statistical Deception, and Nutritional Neglect, the medical-political elite are able to keep hundreds of millions of people weak, depressed, in pain, and vulnerable to infectious disease pandemics.”
Ready for more information on Vitamin D? See these articles and videos:
Vitamin D supplementation must optimize blood levels of the active form of the vitamin—25-hydroxy-vitaminD: "It's not what you take, it's what you make." Dr Alex Vasquez [SHORT VIDEO]
Barrier defense against allergy and inflammation [VIDEO + ARTICLES] includes the history of my 2004 publication “The vitamin D paradigm shift for all healthcare providers” and the full-text PDF
Vitamin D in anti-inflammation and immunomodulation [VIDEO],
Vitamin D against infections; vitamin D supports antiviral defense [VIDEO],
Human papilloma virus (HPV) readily responds to Vitamin D despite fraudulent infomercials from the British Medical Journal (BMJ) [VIDEO EXCERPT]
F.A.C.I.L.E.© Pharmacology of Vitamin D in the Park with DrV
MOLNUPIRAVIR is 100x more expensive and 50% less effective compared against vitamin D [VIDEO EXCERPT] and “Molnupiravir is expensive and pathetic, especially when compared against vitamin D: 2022 confirms 2021”
Dr Alex Kennerly Vasquez (introduction; brief Bio-CV) writes and teaches for an international audience on various topics ranging from leadership to nutrition to functional inflammology. Major books include Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition (full-color printing, 1182 pages, equivalent to 25 typical books [averaging 60,000 words each]), which was also published in two separate volumes as Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine (Volume 1: Chapters 1-4; Volume 2: Chapter 5—Clinical Protocols for Diabetes, Hypertension, Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Vasculitis, Dermatomyositis and most other major inflammatory/autoimmune disorders); several sections have been excerpted including Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition (ISBN 1502894890) (aka, Antiviral Nutrition [available as PDF download] and Brain Inflammation in Chronic Pain, Migraine, and Fibromyalgia. Dr Vasquez’s books are available internationally via bookstores such as BookDepository, Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, ThriftBooks, AbeBooks, BetterWorldBooks, WaterStonesBooks and his new Telegram channel is https://t.me/DrAlexVasquez.
This wonderful information is not personalized health advice.