Sitemap - 2024 - DrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book Chapters
Antiviral Nutrition Summary 2020 Remastered 2021 [ARCHIVED VIDEO]
2 VIDEOS Deconstructing the "Viruses don't exist" absurdity
You can make your brain function better [BrainHealth series]
Minor updates to my “logic-interconnections” diagram
How does melatonin fight against cancer?
Dr Vasquez's CFAT: Combination Fatty Acid Therapy [ARCHIVED VIDEO]
Medical and Media PROPAGANDA against MELATONIN: 1-hour video in process [9 SLIDES and VIDEO EXCERPT]
Update to IRON DEFICIENCY and IRON OVERLOAD flow diagram, management
Update to Ch4.4 on Mitochondrial Function and Dysfunction [IM4update] #mitochondria
Mitochondrial signaling and dysfunction: 2022-2023 retrospective
VIDEO: By the time you’ve achieved 50 years of age (1), you should have memorized at least one poem
AUDIO: By the time you’ve passed 50 years of age (1), you should have memorized at least one poem
Minor correction to: 2-HOUR VIDEO Clinical use of the amino acid acetyl-cysteine, NAC (Goldmine6)
2024 USA Presidential Election Predictions [text version]
Health Homework (39) Get these 3 laboratory tests: MMA, vitD, ferritin
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) Pharmacology, part5: Evolution, Summary, Conclusions
Clinical Pharmacology of Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) part3
Pharmacology of Vitamin B12 (Part2) Article Review, Clinical Contextualization
FACILE Pharmacology © of Vitamin B12, part1
If you haven’t understood by now, then this video should help you understand
ARCHIVED 2-HOUR VIDEO Clinical use of the amino acid acetyl-cysteine, NAC (Goldmine6)
Second-View Research Analysis: 2024 Sep
The most dangerous article published: excerpt of video review in process
Revisiting PREGENENOLONE (1) Dosing, Safety, Neuroprotection, Schizophrenia
Health Homework (38) Healthy disengagement from sociopolitical chaos
Inflammation Mastery 4thEd: Discount pricing directly from publisher
Vitamin D3 pharmacology PDF, version 4 updated
[UPDATED PDF] F.A.C.I.L.E. Nutritional Pharmacology of VITAMIN D (v2)
PDF introduction to DrV’s F.A.C.I.L.E. Pharmacology acronym ©
F.A.C.I.L.E.© Pharmacology of Vitamin D in the Park with DrV
Free access to: Microbiome and Dysbiosis Video #5: Dysbiosis by Location—The Mouth
Globalist hijacking of Red and Blue: Hegemony atop Absurdity
These people are responsible for killing millions of innocent children, men, and women
6-second EXERCISE routine for INCREASING Testosterone and Strength while REDUCING Cortisol
Strategic/travel/living adjustments in anticipation of the Globalist Plandemic of 2025
New video uploading now and it’s pretty amazing
Reckless insanity, financially leveraged
European Union collapses into obvious corruption
The European Union has destroyed the European ideal and is trying to destroy European countries
The globalist confusion agenda, part1
Injectology (Part3) mnemonic experimentation
GOOD NEWS from Microorganisms Journal 30June2024
Tetanus Survey 2024 (1) prevention-treatment considerations
vA therapy and toxicity [revisit3] as the world heads toward another global virus pandemic
Beauty and Tragedy of AI Music
[FREE PREVIEW 40minutes] Vitamin A Pharmacology, New Acronym, Inertia and Politics 2020-2024
Hijacking our water and food but calling it "saving our food system" via "food transition"
vA therapy and toxicity [revisit2] as the world heads toward another global virus pandemic
vA therapy and toxicity [revisit1] as the world heads toward another global virus pandemic
Capitalizing-Cashing-Commodifying our Children (3) with government-subsidized surgeries
UK-USA hysteria begins in the media over new “pandemic virus” detailed by NIH-Fauci
Anthony Fauci details H5N1 gain of function research from his position at the NIH (video)
Launching the new bird-cow-human pandemic to target the food supply
Free ebook this week: Administrative Anarchy in American Academia
Health Homework (35) Teach Yourself to Shoot from All Angles and Drink from All Cups
Health Homework (34) Sing your Life
Deregulated-radioactive-neoliberalized water supply in America (Colorado [twenty years] 2004-2024)
Neoliberal hijacking of liberal vocabulary and ideals: using the language of freedom for domination
Commodification-Neoliberalization of Education and Mental Perception
Penultimate & Proofing PDF (semifinal)
Testimonials about Academic Corruption/Nepotism?
EDUCATIONAL NEOLIBERALISM inspired my most sardonic diagram ever (bottom of the page)
Academic Anarchy in American Academia FINAL EDIT VIDEO + DOWNLOAD
Two (2!!) new videos today, the second of which is 2.5 hours
Vasquez, Fibromyalgia Protocol (2019 Houston)
Academic Corruption Map: What else is new?
Vasquez, Mitochondrial Nutrition ICHNFM2013 Presentation
COURSE INDEX Microbiome Dysbiosis
Vitamin K update (2) on Deficiency, Drug Interactions, Laboratory Assessments
Vitamin K1/2/3/4/7 (1) Introduction IM4update
Proteolytic-pancreatic enzyme therapy (PpET) [IM4update]
Dr Roger Scruton — Why Beauty (8) Matters
When one needs to CTFO, the classic 1964 Bossa Nova production of Getz and Gilberto is hard to beat
Indoctrination, Propaganda, Sabotage, Gaslighting and You (1)
Robert Bly reading a draft in 1995 of his SIBLING SOCIETY (3) published in 1996
3minutes20seconds of good actual investigative reporting from CBS (Jul 25, 2008)
ADDENDUM 70seconds of Pure Pharma Propaganda from American Public Television (PBS)
The power structure can only keep you ignorant if you agree to be ignorant, passive, otherdirected
VIDEO Critique of PBS-NYT’s 2016/2024 “Hidden Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements”
Dr Rand Paul tells the truth (on this topic) and should run for President [VIDEOs]
Drug treatment of chronic pain conditions is essentially a complete (>97%) failure
TechnoGlobalist Terrorism and the Criminalization of Human Life
Antipain Metaparadigm 2024, part1, excerpt4
VIDEO Paradigm Shift in Chronic Pain Management 2024part1excerpt3, IM4update
VIDEO Paradigm Shift in Chronic Pain Management 2024part1excerpt2, IM4update
Paradigm Shift in Chronic Pain Management VIDEO 2024part1excerpt1, IM4update
Category Error (1, introduction) Logical Fallacy underlies the Medical Mismanagement of Chronic Pain
Twilight of the Idiopathic Era: Dawn of New Possibilities in Health and Healthcare
IM4Update and Focus for 2024, starting with Migraine
Health Homework (33) Play paddle ball for goofy fun with physical movement
Ongoing Pandemic Theatre in 2024, Facemask Mandates, and the Cult of Stupidity