Sitemap - 2024 - DrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book Chapters

1) Best business-social advice from my Uncle, 2) Health Homework 41, 3) Efficient strategic escape from Manipulation-Infantilization, 4) Dunning-Kruger Syndrome revisited with two PDF articles

PART TWO (2) Review of my 2013 Conference Presentation on Brain Health Optimization#BrainHealthOptimization

Antiviral Nutrition Summary 2020 Remastered 2021 [ARCHIVED VIDEO]

Pediatric-government researchers found that the measles jaxcine causes permanent brain injury and death but then said that this was justified per the “generous financial compensation”

2 VIDEOS Deconstructing the "Viruses don't exist" absurdity

Hormone Imbalances cause Inflammation and contribute to AUTOIMMUNITY; Inflammation causes Endocrine dysfunction: Exploring Part6 of my FINDSEX® acronym

New social media platform BLUESKY immediately censors official NIH info about government research on creating pathological viruses

By the time you're 50...or 20 or 30... [Health Homework 40] Stop being submissive to hoops and bad people

2hours of VIDEO: Analyzing the structure of AntiNutrition (thus ProPharma) publications that distort research and medical care, leading to more expensive, more dangerous, less effective healthcare

HAPPY HOLIDAYS [rewind, replay] wine, whiskey, poetry, social graces, healthy aging,...neuroinflammation and pesticides

Brain Health Optimization (Part1) 2013 conference presentation, 2024 review and commentary #BrainHealthOptimization

All nutritional (and hormonal) deficiencies cause fatigue and depression; as such, diagnosis and treatment of nutritional-hormonal deficiencies/imbalances should be the first-step standard of care

You can make your brain function better [BrainHealth series]

Vitamin D in Brain Health, Mood, Anxiety, Depression, Neuroprotection [archived, goldmine2, #BrainHealthOptimization series]

Minor updates to my “logic-interconnections” diagram

2 high-level pro-vaccine medical organizations publish that vaccines can cause permanent brain injury and death (Me, TDwP) and can increase susceptibility to infection (TDaP)...but that's your problem

BRAIN OPTIMIZATION (migraine, anhedonia/depression), HOLIDAYS (wine, whiskey), HATS IN RESTAURANTS [BrainHealth series]

How does melatonin fight against cancer?

They are clearly planning another vaccine-sales money-transfer political-subterfuge event; if you can't see it by now, you're not paying attention for a reason

Dr Vasquez's CFAT: Combination Fatty Acid Therapy [ARCHIVED VIDEO]

Fatty acids for migraine? What dose? What duration? What results? Better or worse than the new drugs? Comparative pricing and outcomes?

MISINFORMATION and DISINFORMATION from NEW YORK TIMES against KENNEDY and NUTRITION: As expected from a corporate tabloid...but what hope does that leave for society when its top infosource is bogus?

SHARE this VIDEO: 4-Step Annihilation of the “MELATONIN TOXICITY/DANGER” propaganda promulgated by mathematically-impossible lies from AMA, CNN, NPR, BBC, and some medical journals/organizations

Medical and Media PROPAGANDA against MELATONIN: 1-hour video in process [9 SLIDES and VIDEO EXCERPT]

VIDEO: Toxicity vs Safety of Melatonin in the Age of Medical Propaganda and Bogus Journalism in 2023-2024

COMING SOON: Toxicity vs Safety of Melatonin in the Age of Medical Propaganda and Bogus Journalism in 2023-2024

Update to IRON DEFICIENCY and IRON OVERLOAD flow diagram, management

Update to Ch4.4 on Mitochondrial Function and Dysfunction [IM4update] #mitochondria

Human papilloma virus (HPV) readily responds to Vitamin D despite fraudulent infomercials from the British Medical Journal (BMJ)

Spain is killing its citizens to promote climate change propaganda; Spain has removed >240 dams and water reservoirs but blames "climate change" for mass flooding and >200 citizen deaths

American Public Television (PBS) has become an outlet for nutrition disinformation and drug propaganda/advertising.

Vitamin D deficiency is the pandemic that underlies other pandemics of infections, depression, chronic pain, mood disorders, autoimmunity, CVD and cancer.

CHAOS CAPITALISM: WHO calls for a "transformation" of the food system, because all widespread social-structural change imposes a transfer of money to those who enforce the changes

Mitochondrial signaling and dysfunction 2024 update: My complete re-write of the introduction to Chapter 4.4 on "Dysmetabolism & Dysfunctional Organelles"

The biggest fraud ever perpetuated in the history of humanity (2019-present) is an ongoing tragedy that still affects our daily lives, for those of us lucky enough to have survived it until now

Mitochondrial signaling and dysfunction: 2022-2023 retrospective

VIDEO: By the time you’ve achieved 50 years of age (1), you should have memorized at least one poem

AUDIO: By the time you’ve passed 50 years of age (1), you should have memorized at least one poem

Minor correction to: 2-HOUR VIDEO Clinical use of the amino acid acetyl-cysteine, NAC (Goldmine6)

2024 USA Presidential Election Predictions [text version]

Health Homework (39) Get these 3 laboratory tests: MMA, vitD, ferritin

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) Pharmacology, part5: Evolution, Summary, Conclusions

Anticancer Neuroprotective METABOLIC DETOXIFICATION via NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTATION: Deeper down the rabbit hole of Vitamin B12 Pharmacology, Part4

caterpillar stings... New video in process: Anticancer Neuroprotective METABOLIC DETOXIFICATION, Deeper down the rabbit hole of Vitamin B12 Pharmacology, Part4

Clinical Pharmacology of Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) part3

Pharmacology of Vitamin B12 (Part2) Article Review, Clinical Contextualization

FACILE Pharmacology © of Vitamin B12, part1

Nutritional Pharmacology (Topic2,excerpt) for prevention of brain damage, cyanide poisoning, H2S poisoning

President Milei lays bare the corruption of the UN, says that 2020 lockdowns were "crime against humanity" and lights the path forward for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

If you haven’t understood by now, then this video should help you understand

VIDEO COMPILATION summary [8videos] 2025 will be The Great Purge of Misinformation, Disinformation, Free Thinking and Rational Conversation

ARCHIVED 2-HOUR VIDEO Clinical use of the amino acid acetyl-cysteine, NAC (Goldmine6)

Second-View Research Analysis: 2024 Sep

Medical research analysis 2024 Sep: Justifying the international imprisonment and forced medicalization of millions of people

The most dangerous article published: excerpt of video review in process

Revisiting PREGENENOLONE (2) Dosing, Safety, Chronic Pain, Military Veterans, American Medical Association

Revisiting PREGENENOLONE (1) Dosing, Safety, Neuroprotection, Schizophrenia

Health Homework (38) Healthy disengagement from sociopolitical chaos

Inflammation Mastery 4thEd: Discount pricing directly from publisher

Vitamin D3 pharmacology PDF, version 4 updated

[UPDATED PDF] F.A.C.I.L.E. Nutritional Pharmacology of VITAMIN D (v2)

PDF introduction to DrV’s F.A.C.I.L.E. Pharmacology acronym ©

Kamala Harris requires that her employees are “fully vaccinated“ with the most dangerous and clinically worthless vaccine ever created in the history of medicine

F.A.C.I.L.E.© Pharmacology of Vitamin D in the Park with DrV

Pharmacology and Politics in the Park with DrV: a most F.A.C.I.L.E. © reintroduction [raw video] starting with Vitamin D

Controlled from all angles (1) carbon tracking: creating an international open-air prison based on falsified paradigms

Free access to: Microbiome and Dysbiosis Video #5: Dysbiosis by Location—The Mouth

Globalist hijacking of Red and Blue: Hegemony atop Absurdity

These people are responsible for killing millions of innocent children, men, and women

6-second EXERCISE routine for INCREASING Testosterone and Strength while REDUCING Cortisol

Strategic/travel/living adjustments in anticipation of the Globalist Plandemic of 2025

Health Homework (37) Develop practical life skills to help you in all areas of your life, even those that appear unrelated

New VIDEO in process: Main topic is EXERCISE but I talk about a wide range of ideas from WATCHES to CHAINSAWS

Kamala Harris' social awkwardness is probably (mostly?) voluntary yet unconscious, not organic, ie, probably *not* pseudobulbar affect [CHAOS OVERLOAD, part3]

New video uploading now and it’s pretty amazing

Video overview [raw version] of 2 weeks of CHAOS OVERLOAD: 2024 Paris Olympics, Trump shooting, Globalist Takeover and how to escape

CHAOS OVERLOAD creates FUNCTIONAL MICROCEPHALY [text version] decision/social/political paralysis via gaslighting, neuroinflammation

Spontaneous early-morning application of the Hegelian Dialectic (pt2) to child-adult maturation and clinical psychology

Unnecessary Confusions (part2) Use and abuse of the Hegelian Dialectic, from 1) disinformation, to 2) proper use, to 3) specific application in medicine, vaccination, immunology

Reckless insanity, financially leveraged

European Union collapses into obvious corruption

The European Union has destroyed the European ideal and is trying to destroy European countries

The globalist confusion agenda, part1

[VIDEO] Archery for Chronic Pain, Frozen Shoulder and Elbow, CTS, CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) and my Complete Recovery (part1)

We have witnessed massive crimes against humanity (and ourselves!!!) and we have done nothing to stop it and we have allowed it to repeat. Our species has become #Homomasturbatum

MORE PANDEMIC + FAUCI G.O.F. COINCIDENCES: Why do we only have pandemic viral infections from the same viruses that Fauci's NIH converted into transmissible pathogens with Gain-of-Function research

Injectology (Part3) mnemonic experimentation

Health Homework (36b) Avoid the stress of working with systems that don't function and don't support you in return

Injection Ingredients, Part2

Health Homework (36a) Don’t put your money in a Spanish-European bank because they could block your access for four years or forever

Differences* between Natural Infection and PharmaInjection (Part1) *biological, quantitative, qualitative

GOOD NEWS from Microorganisms Journal 30June2024

is Scientific American's “What Vitamins and Minerals Really Do in Your Body” (June2024) of any legitimate value or is it just distraction, rhetoric, and misdirection?

Barcelona’s George Orwell Plaza now has multiple surveillance cameras, ironically confirming that Big Brother has arrived, has been normalized, and has been ignored (BCN2024a)

Do you know the 2 (or 3?) main differences between vaccination and natural infection? If so, answer the question before I reply

Neoliberal-Globalist Diet (2) fake food, GMOs, pharmafoods (foods containing drugs and vaccines), food centralization

The Neoliberal-Globalist Diet: fake food, GMOs, pharmafoods (foods containing drugs and vaccines) and they’re not even going to give you the courtesy of knowing that you’re eating Pharmafoods

USA's 18,000-member ENDOCRINE SOCIETY reaches new level of medical imbecility with their 2024 Vitamin D clinical guidelines

You should notice the pattern by now (“mutated virus hysteria”) and that they are bringing out the new 2024 pandemic exactly at the time that people were starting to question the 2019-2023 pandemic

Australia slaughters 1M chickens in the name of bird flu hysteria: goodbye eggs and chicken meat, and hello food scarcity, higher prices, and centralized food production as smaller farms are closed

Tetanus Survey 2024 (1) prevention-treatment considerations

vA therapy and toxicity [revisit3] as the world heads toward another global virus pandemic

Beauty and Tragedy of AI Music

[FREE PREVIEW 40minutes] Vitamin A Pharmacology, New Acronym, Inertia and Politics 2020-2024

Hijacking our water and food but calling it "saving our food system" via "food transition"

vA therapy and toxicity [revisit2] as the world heads toward another global virus pandemic

vA therapy and toxicity [revisit1] as the world heads toward another global virus pandemic

Capitalizing-Cashing-Commodifying our Children (3) with government-subsidized surgeries

Capitalizing on the cash crop of children (2) by selling them anti-obesity surgery and drugs after failing to protect them from ultra-processed foods, high-fructose corn syrup, inactivity, pesticides

Capitalizing on the cash crop of lost children (1) selling them a lifelong cocktail of sex-change hormones

Pandemic hysteria requires medical acquiescence: Exponential exaggeration of "Covid-associated deaths" was only possible because the medical profession abandoned accurate diagnostic criteria

Rapidly attaining new levels of pandemic stupidity: clear evidence that the medical profession has sold out

UK-USA hysteria begins in the media over new “pandemic virus” detailed by NIH-Fauci

Anthony Fauci details H5N1 gain of function research from his position at the NIH (video)

Launching the new bird-cow-human pandemic to target the food supply

British Medical Journal (BMJ) publishes Garbage (part3) America's FoxNews misinforms and misleads everyone on Nutrition by recycling Garbage

Free ebook this week: Administrative Anarchy in American Academia

British Medical Journal (BMJ) publishes Garbage (part2) You can help liberate people from the Pharmaceutical Echo Chamber = the false reality of pseudomedicine and pseudosociety

British Medical Journal (BMJ) publishes Garbage (part2, raw video) BMJ MEDICINE contaminates the Ecosystem of Medical (Mis)Information and Public Health

Health Homework (35) Teach Yourself to Shoot from All Angles and Drink from All Cups

Health Homework (34) Sing your Life

British Medical Journal (BMJ) publishes Garbage (part1) VIDEO REVIEW and ANALYSIS of Chen's "Regular use of fish oil supplements and course of cardiovascular diseases" in BMJ Medicine May 2024

Deregulated-radioactive-neoliberalized water supply in America (Colorado [twenty years] 2004-2024)

Switching from Covid to Govid

Administrative Anarchy in American Academia [ARCHIVE] video, links, PDFs, images, and more #AdministrativeAnarchyinAcademia

Neoliberal hijacking of liberal vocabulary and ideals: using the language of freedom for domination

Strategic-Potemkin Stupidity, Intentional Underperformance, vs the Escape to Competence: UPDATED from 2022 to 2024

Predictive Plandemic Programing: Are we going to blame the next pandemic on intergalactic bacteria (w/ zero chance of surviving in Earth’s oxygen-rich environment and incapable of infecting humans)?

Commodification-Neoliberalization of Education and Mental Perception

Penultimate & Proofing PDF (semifinal)

Testimonials about Academic Corruption/Nepotism?

EDUCATIONAL NEOLIBERALISM inspired my most sardonic diagram ever (bottom of the page)

Ending the Exploitation of Experts in Education: "Adjunct Faculty" Overwork, Wage Theft, Constructive Dismissal

Academic Anarchy in American Academia FINAL EDIT VIDEO + DOWNLOAD

[VIDEO 2.5hours] ADMINISTRATIVE ANARCHY IN AMERICAN ACADEMIA: Corruption and Chaos in Chiropractic, Clinical Nutrition, Functional/Naturopathic Medicine, and more

Two (2!!) new videos today, the second of which is 2.5 hours

[TEXT] Administrative Anarchy in American Academia: Corruption and Chaos in Chiropractic, Clinical Nutrition, Functional/Naturopathic Medicine, and more

They sold you Capitalism but gave you Neoliberalism, cloaked in one of the most misleading and confusing terms ever constructed

Scientific Biological Plausibility of Overwhelming* Bullshit (Pt1) ie, How We Should Use Established Methodology to Not Be So Stupid and to Enforce Accountability to Political Criminals

Medical acknowledgement of population-wide neuro/mito-poisoning, followed by medical inaction and political silence

Vasquez, Fibromyalgia Protocol (2019 Houston)

Academic Corruption Map: What else is new?

Vasquez, Mitochondrial Nutrition ICHNFM2013 Presentation

Dietary sources of serotonin

Dietary sources of melatonin

Migraine must have provided a worthwhile evolutionary/survival advantage to individuals and early societies #migrainepositive

COURSE INDEX Microbiome Dysbiosis

Vitamin K update (2) on Deficiency, Drug Interactions, Laboratory Assessments

Vitamin K1/2/3/4/7 (1) Introduction IM4update

Proteolytic-pancreatic enzyme therapy (PpET) [IM4update]

Dr Roger Scruton — Why Beauty (8) Matters

DrV's Functional Inflammology Protocol (2013) Part 1: Dr Vasquez’s F.I.N.D.S.E.X.® acronym and Foundational Diet and Supplementation VIDEO

Foundational Diet and Supplementation to meet Physiologic Needs and to (Re)Establish the Foundation for Health VIDEO EXCERPT

When one needs to CTFO, the classic 1964 Bossa Nova production of Getz and Gilberto is hard to beat

Indoctrination, Propaganda, Sabotage, Gaslighting and You (1)

Robert Bly reading a draft in 1995 of his SIBLING SOCIETY (3) published in 1996

FINAL EXTENDED 2h30m VIDEO: American public television (PBS) eviscerates Competent Journalism and Nutritional Science for rabid Drug Propaganda, clearly demarcating (again) the end of public goodwill

A Society Run by Half-Adults: Robert Bly's SIBLING SOCIETY (2) available as an abridged reading/audiobook

3minutes20seconds of good actual investigative reporting from CBS (Jul 25, 2008)

ADDENDUM 70seconds of Pure Pharma Propaganda from American Public Television (PBS)

The power structure can only keep you ignorant if you agree to be ignorant, passive, otherdirected

VIDEO Critique of PBS-NYT’s 2016/2024 “Hidden Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements”

Dr Rand Paul tells the truth (on this topic) and should run for President [VIDEOs]

COUNTERING the PBS-NYT-JAMA-NEJM-HARVARD COORDINATED DISINFORMATION against Nutritional Supplements, Fish Oil, to promote "prescription-only" drug sales

COUNTERING DISINFORMATION (N Engl J Med 2018 Aug) The Coordinated Attack on Fish Oil, and the 2016 Weaponization of American Public Television

COUNTERING DISINFORMATION: PREVIEW this weekend’s analysis-demolition of “Hidden Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements”

PDF + VIDEO: Experimental Injections are covered under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) not the National [Vinjection] Injury Compensation Program (VICP)

Drug treatment of chronic pain conditions is essentially a complete (>97%) failure

VITAMIN D GOLDMINE (13PDFs + 7hours in 8Videos) remains available HERE and is also being archived elsewhere

Our Sibling Society (1) and the Problem of Mentoring Young Men who have never met a Responsible Developed Adult

Health Homework (32) Learn to use the bipolarity of INSPIRATION and OPPOSITION to (Re)Fuel your Motivation

2 candidates for the American Presidency who threatened PHARMA-GLOBALIST HEGEMONY have been eliminated from the running: no surprise because drug companies control politics, education, the media...

Final Edition VIDEO (3hours15minutes) of PARADIGM SHIFT IN MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC PAIN 2024, part1, resulting from two spontaneous videos of 2 hours + 1 hour

TechnoGlobalist Terrorism and the Criminalization of Human Life

Chronic Pain Mismanagement is a Category Mistake/Error that became Routine Malpractice despite CLEAR EVIDENCE of Financial, Ethical, and Clinical Failure: Excerpt 5 from Part 1

Antipain Metaparadigm 2024, part1, excerpt4

Major biomedical publisher: Prenatal Exposure to [emergency-authorized drug] Induces [BrainDamage]-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rats

Bloom's taxonomy (2) produces obedient drones and partly explains the Medical Mismanagement of Chronic Pain [2024p1x3c #chronicpainmanagement #crps]

Bloom's taxonomy (1) is an indoctrination trap, even worse when the foundation is skipped; miseducation for the (medical) masses #chronicpainmanagement 2024p1x3B

YouTube's CENSORSHIP CONTINUES: Chinese researchers solved the problem of pandemic viral mutations more than 20 years ago in research with 2 MILLION people

VIDEO Paradigm Shift in Chronic Pain Management 2024part1excerpt3, IM4update

VIDEO Paradigm Shift in Chronic Pain Management 2024part1excerpt2, IM4update

Paradigm Shift in Chronic Pain Management VIDEO 2024part1excerpt1, IM4update

VIDEO EXCERPT: Ongoing justification of the Medical Mismanagement of Fibromyalgia [#chronicpain #painmanagement #migraine #crps #fibromyalgia]

Category Error (1, introduction) Logical Fallacy underlies the Medical Mismanagement of Chronic Pain

Twilight of the Idiopathic Era: Dawn of New Possibilities in Health and Healthcare

Official Guidelines GUARANTEE FAILURE in Treatment of CHRONIC PAIN per American Family Physician journal and American Academy of Family Physicians 2021

IM4update on 1) Functional vs Dysfunctional Models of Pain and Pain Management, 2) including or ignoring vitamin D deficiency which affects 60-80% of the worldwide population

90min VIDEO review "SCIENCE OF PAIN MANAGEMENT" from Harvard Medical School presented in 2018; IM4update 2024

IM4Update and Focus for 2024, starting with Migraine

Health Homework (33) Play paddle ball for goofy fun with physical movement

Ongoing Pandemic Theatre in 2024, Facemask Mandates, and the Cult of Stupidity